Changing Traditions, A Christmas Novella

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Book: Changing Traditions, A Christmas Novella by Rachel Rittenhouse Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rachel Rittenhouse
Tags: Historical, Family, Young Adult, Christian, Christmas, Sisters, diary, traditions
passed since Albert wrote her saying that he was
to stay in Washington D.C. a while longer. But even that letter
came after weeks of waiting for him to show up at her door. A heavy
weight settled on her heart. What was she to even think or feel?
Perhaps she should have gone to look for him the next day. Beg him
for answers - to love her again. But what would that matter now. He
was all the way on the coast and he hadn’t written her
    Something hard in front of
her caused Bethany to begin a downward descent but two hands
reached out to grab her. Bethany looked up to see who it was that
saved her.
    Jeremy Dowell.
    His gray eyes lit up when
he saw her and the beginnings of a smile quirked at his mouth.
“Bethany. I wasn’t planning on running into you today.”
    She straightened, vaguely
aware of the realization that she was still in Jeremy’s grasp. “I’m
sorry, Jeremy, truly. My thoughts were elsewhere.”
    “ It’s of no matter.” They
continued walking as the snow continued to grow thicker and
    “ Well, thank you for
catching me. I had no desire to land on the ground. I really should
be going though before the snow gets much worse.”
    “ Let me drive you, Beth -
please?” The way his eyes brightened, Bethany found that she
couldn’t refuse. Pretty soon, they were in his buggy heading back
to her place.
    Bethany struggled to come
up with something to say as she could very well just sit in
silence. “It appears I am indebted to you twice in a day, Jeremy.
The snow seems to be getting much heavier and it would no doubt
have been a long walk.”
    “ I’m just glad to be of
    The way he said it caused
tingles to travel down Bethany’s arms and she pulled the blanket
tighter around her lap.
    “ Actually, Bethany, I
wanted a chance to talk to you.”
    “ Oh?” Hearing the words
surprised her and she wondered what Jeremy would possibly want to
talk about with her.
    “ I know you probably
consider us just friends, at least, I would hope I’m a
    “ Of course I consider you
a friend. Don’t ever not think such a thing.” She clamped her mouth
shut then, realizing that she just succeeded in interrupting
    “ I’m glad to hear that. I
don’t know what happened between you and Albert, well actually, I
know some of it. I also know you’ve had a long time to get past
that, I hope.” Jeremy paused and Bethany noticed that he regarded
her quietly, probably to gauge her reaction.
    Not sure what to say,
Bethany waited. “Yes?”
    Jeremy stopped the buggy
then and turned to Bethany. He grasped her hand in his and gave it
a squeeze. “I was wondering if we could learn to be more than
friends, Bethany. I’ve cared for you for the longest time and I was
hoping - praying - that perhaps you might have some feelings for
    Bethany felt her head was
going to spin off with this new-found revelation. Eight months
could hardly be considered a long to time move on from someone whom
she had loved. Besides, she had only ever thought of Jeremy as a
dear friend. “I hardly know what to say. This is all rather
    “ Not entirely so. I’ve
always tried to show you that I care—”
    “ As a friend.”
    “ But I also gave you space
when you seemed to prefer Albert.”
    “ Yes, you did, which
brings up the point that he still may come home.”
    “ He hasn’t written you in
seven months!”
    Bethany felt her mouth gap
open, “How did you know?”
    “ Please, Beth,” Jeremy
leaned to and placed a light kiss on her hand, “Say you’ll consider
being my girl?”
    Bethany felt tears begin
to pool in her eyes. “I…I need time to…think about
    “ I can wait for
    His words touched her
heart as he drove her the rest of the way home. When he pulled up
to the porch, he walked around to help her down. Before letting her
go though, he added, “I’m serious in what I’ve said, Bethany. I do
care for you.”
    Bethany found a slight
smile, “I

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