“I know you, Janeva: you really want to know more but don’t want to ask me directly,” he smirked.
“Okay, okay; you’re right,” I admitted. “What else do you know?”
“Well,” he leaned across the table, “apparently Lorenzo didn’t like Catherine to have friends; he liked to have her at his beck and call.”
“What on earth did she do all day if she had no friends or family?” Steph asked, joining the conversation. Thomas and Greg, who claim to hate gossip, had moved over to the next table and were in a discussion of club politics with some other good friends. Personally, I don’t see how talking about what the commodore said to rear commodore, and then analyzing an argument between the staff captain and the fleet captain at the last executive meeting, is any different from what we were doing!
Kevin continued: “She spent a lot of time with her dad, who had been very ill over the last few years. Catherine was a only child and his main caregiver, I gather, as his health deteriorated. They even set up a hospital-style bed and room for him in the house with a night nurse coming to sit with him so Catherine could have evenings and nights off to be with Lorenzo and attend functions with him.”
“I admire her. It’s very sweet that she nursed her dad, but she must have had some friends?” I persisted.
“I’m not kidding, her dad was just like Lorenzo; that’s why he was the only one Catherine was allowed to spend time with,” Kevin answered.
“So she was essentially held hostage between her father and husband, to look after them and not otherwise to go out of the house?” I asked incredulously.
“Well, she had to look the part, so she spent lots of time and money at the spa, hair salon, and gym, and I think she made friends of a sort there, but I don’t know where those friends are now.”
“I can’t decide if she should be lonely and distraught or excited at the prospect of doing whatever she wants. This is probably the first time in her life she has ever been free,” Steph said, with a shake of her head and a sigh.
“I don’t know about that,” replied Kevin. “She seems to have replaced Lorenzo and her dad, who passed away last year, with John and Stella.”
With that we had to end this interesting chat as Thomas returned to the table, saying it was time to go and pick up Katie from her sleepover.
“Mom, you’ll never guess what Alix and I found on the Internet,” Katie announced excitedly as she jumped in the car, waving a piece of printed paper at me.
“I can’t drive and read it at the same time, I’ll look at it when we get home,” I said.
Back at the house, I picked up the single sheet of computer printed-paper to read, becoming increasingly alarmed as I did so.
Aug. 31, 2011 - ABC NEWS
Foot Washes Ashore in Canada, the 11th Since 2007
Another human foot has washed ashore in British Columbia, keeping investigators on their toes in the case of 11 mysterious feet in running shoes that have appeared on area beaches since 2007.
Eight feet have washed up around Vancouver, and three feet have come ashore in nearby Washington State since 2007, according to Stephen Fonseca of the British Columbia Coroner’s Service. None of the cases has been deemed suspicious.
Fonseca said that human remains can come apart naturally in a water environment, and with the high amount of marine activity, and many people involved in accidents in the water, it’s likely that these are all unrelated cases. He also noted that there are many bridges over waterways in the area, and distraught people who may have jumped could also be a source of the body parts washing up on shore.
“Running shoes of today are more buoyant,” he said, “and it’s a very rational explanation that when the feet do disarticulate, through marine scavenging and decomposition, the shoe will bring the foot back up to the surface and it will float there until it reaches