Love and Learn (Voretti Family Book 2)

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Book: Love and Learn (Voretti Family Book 2) by Ava Blackstone Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ava Blackstone
way too long rolling Calli’s name around in his mouth.
    Enough . Annabelle poked Calli in the ribs.
    “Thank you.” Calli beamed at Disney Prince.
    Annabelle jabbed her harder.  
    Calli jumped. “Oh! I’m so sorry. How rude of me. This is my friend Annabelle.”  
    “It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Annabelle.” Disney Prince shook her hand. “I would be honored if you ladies would join me at my table.”
    “Actually—” Annabelle started, but she was drowned out by Calli’s overly enthusiastic, “We would love to.”  
    “Don’t worry,” Calli whispered as she hauled Annabelle forward. “I’m still on the lookout for Mr. Tall, dark, and handsome for you.”
    “That’s not—”
    “Annabelle?” Disney Prince had pulled out a chair for her.
    She sat, gritting her teeth to keep from finishing her sentence.
    Disney Prince poured them champagne from a bottle with what appeared to be actual gold leaves twined around it. “And what is it you do, Callista?”
    “I’m an author. I write children’s books.”
    “That’s wonderful. I still remember my favorite books from childhood. They have shaped me into the man I am today.”
    Calli positively glowed as she told Disney Prince about her latest book. Taking advantage of the happy couple’s preoccupation with each other, Annabelle got her phone out of her purse and did an internet search for Prince Edward. When Calli saw that even Google had never heard of—
    Holy canolli—there he was. Prince Edward Bernard Wallace IV, heir to the throne of Andera. The guy was actual royalty. Rich, well-educated royalty. And instead of leering at Calli’s cleavage or making inappropriate sexual innuendos, he was asking about her work. And actually listening to her answers.
    Calli asked Annabelle about her favorite books, trying to draw her into the conversation, but it was hard to discuss literature when Calli and Edward were staring at each other like they’d unlocked the secrets of the universe.  
    She hung in there for a while, sipping her champagne and making sure Edward didn’t set off any of her sleazy-guy sensors. He seemed genuinely absorbed in his conversation with Calli. So much so that he hadn’t even glanced at the beautiful women all around the bar. Calli was the only one in the room he was interested in, which made Annabelle’s sacred best-friend duty clear. She needed to make herself scarce.
    “Sorry, you two—I’m not much of a conversationalist right now. My head is pounding.”
    “Oh no!” Calli said. “Too much vodka?”
    The prince made a vague motion with one hand, and, all of a sudden, there was a tall glass of ice water and an aspirin in front of her. “Drink. You will feel better.”
    “Thank you. But I think I’ll head home and get some sleep.”
    “Of course.” Calli grabbed her purse, such a good friend it didn’t occur to her that ditching royalty to escort Annabelle home went way beyond her job description.
    “You stay.” Annabelle shoved Calli back into her chair. “I don’t need your help to get a cab.”
    “But if your head is bothering you…”
    “It’s not that bad. I’m more tired than anything else. So I think it would be better for everyone—” she tilted her head toward the prince “—if we said goodnight here.”
    “Oh. Oh .” Calli hugged her. “Thank you. You’re the best friend in the world.”
    “Right back at you.” She pitched her voice low enough that neither the prince nor his entourage could hear. “But promise me you’re going to make him work for it. Just because he’s royalty doesn’t mean he gets lucky on the first date.”
    “As long as you promise that next time we go out, we can focus on finding you a man.”
    “Sure.” Annabelle even managed a smile as she said it. But as soon as she was in the elevator, the smile collapsed. She was happy for her friend. Thrilled. But she couldn’t help wishing that someone would look at her the way Edward had been looking

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