More than Passion

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Book: More than Passion by Jomarie Degioia Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jomarie Degioia
quiet for a moment.
    Becca could feel the tension in Geoffrey when he spoke of his brother and sister-in-law. She wondered what was behind it. “Will they be at Kanewood now?”
    Geoffrey shook his head. “No. They’re in London for the Season. The child remains at Kanewood.”
    “Well, I am definitely looking forward to meeting your mother and little Ann.” She beamed at him.
    He turned to her and couldn’t help but return her smile. “They’re going to love you, just like I ….”
    “Just like you … what, Geoffrey?” she asked hesitantly.
    “Just like I know they will.” He cleared his throat, uncomfortable with the direction of the conversation.
    She sensed his unease. For a moment, she thought he was going to tell her he loved her.  After all, she had already declared her love for him. Perhaps it was too soon. She would be patient. For now.
    “Will we join your brother and his wife in London, then?” she inquired, changing the subject.
    “I doubt we’ll see them. But I’m looking forward to showing off my beautiful wife to the rest of the ton. The dressmaker had better get busy if you’re to have gowns befitting your beauty.”
    Becca blushed at his ridiculous statement, but it served to turn the attention from the discussion of his brother and sister-in-law. If Geoffrey’s demeanor toward them was any indication, she was very pleased she wouldn’t have to make their acquaintence any time soon.
    They stopped at an inn to rest and arrived at Kanewood the next afternoon. Becca stared out the window in awe as they approached the great house. It sat on the rise of a crest, overlooking lushly verdant grounds and neat little cottages. A long winding road led up to the wide cobblestone drive, directly in front of the estate. It was an impressive structure, of gray stone with a slate roof. The roof was peaked, and many gables protruded from the central structure. Becca couldn’t count all of the windows peeking out of the stone face of the building.
    Geoffrey turned to her. “Welcome home, Becca.”
    “My goodness.” She breathed. “It’s magnificent.”
    He smiled at her and kissed her lightly. The carriage rolled to a stop and Geoffrey alighted. He assisted Becca down and escorted her to the wide carved door at the front entrance. He rapped sharply on the door and, as it was being opened, he swept Becca up into his arms.
    “Geoffrey!” A gasp of laughter escaped her as she clutched his shoulders.
    He carried her through the door and into the marble-tiled foyer, his deep laughter echoing through the cavernous space. His mother—Lady Margaret, Becca recalled—came out of the front parlor just as he set Becca on her feet.
    “Geoffrey, I didn’t expect you today.” Lady Margaret eyed Becca with interest. “And whom do we have here?”
    Geoffrey kissed his mother on the cheek and turned to take Becca’s hand. “Mother, this is Rebecca. My wife.”
    Lady Margaret blinked in surprise but said nothing.
    Becca curtsied to her in greeting. “I’m very pleased to meet you, Lady Margaret.”
    Lady Margaret returned the greeting with a nod, a small smile on her face. Becca noticed a marked resemblance between Geoffrey and his mother, and felt drawn to the woman. Her eyes were the same brilliant blue as her son’s, and her hair was the same tawny shade, albeit streaked with gray. She had an elegant bearing, and Becca so wished to earn the woman’s favor. Without Mary to assist her, she’d chosen to wear her violet gown from yesterday’s travel and felt decidedly rumpled.
    “And when did all this take place?” Lady Margaret asked.
    “Yesterday afternoon, Mother. Reverend Grey performed the ceremony.”
    Lady Margaret nodded at that news. “Rebecca, why don’t you go upstairs and refresh yourself? The butler will show you to Geoffrey’s rooms.”
    Relief threatened to swamp Becca. “That would be lovely, Lady Margaret. Thank you.”
    Geoffrey kissed Becca’s cheek and told her that he’d

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