Dark Vision

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Book: Dark Vision by Debbie Johnson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Debbie Johnson
roared, and sank her fangs into Eithne’s shoulder, blood seeping. More blood oozed out as she tore into flesh. Eithne rallied, gripped Isabella’s hair to yank the vampire’s face from her body, then grabbed her arm and pulled with such ferocity that I heard the shoulder dislocate. Shoving her away, she ran for the door, leaving a trail of Eau de Rot behind her.
    Isabella stood up straight. Rammed herself repeatedly against the wall until the joint was knocked back into place with a sickening pop. Wiped her mouth clear of blood with the back of her hand, and turned to me.
    ‘Bloody Tuatha,’ she said, making a gagging sound. ‘They always taste of battery acid.’

Chapter Nine
    I’ve been to a few after-show parties in my time, including one with Liam Gallagher, but nothing that could compare with the weirdness in Gabriel’s apartment later that night.
    The vampires were glowing with energy, alive with the adrenaline of their gig and the willing post-performance snacks they’d ‘romanced’ just enough to leave their conquests with dreamy memories and mysterious love bites. Luca was prowling round the room, topless and wearing a pair of leather trousers, and Isabella was languid and luscious, draped over the sofa like a Renaissance painting come to life.
    Morgan the bass player was on a high, playing
Call of Duty
on the Xbox with Marcus, the guitarist. I’d be surprised if there was anything left of the handsets by morning. They too had dispensed with the need for shirts, which made for entertaining viewing.
    Finn, Kevin and Gabriel were huddled in a corner, drinking whisky and drawing up battle plans, and Carmel had finally joined us.
    ‘There was this man outside my house,’ she said, dumping a bag of her stuff in the corner and sliding down next to me on the couch. ‘And when I say “man”, I mean god. Blond, well fit, like Daniel Craig on steroids. He nodded as I went out, got in his car, and followed me here. Did I just get really lucky, or is it something to do with the World of Warcraft over there?’
    ‘Probably,’ I said. ‘He’ll be your guard, and he’ll have some stupidly unpronounceable name, and if you ever speak to him, he’ll witter on about duty and laying down his life to protect yours.’
    ‘Hmm … could be worse, I suppose. So, how are you holding up? And what’s with the semi-naked stud parade? Are they Gabriel’s men?’
    ‘Oh. No,’ I replied. ‘They’re my new vampire friends. And you see that one over there, with the shiny hair and the eyes? I was in bed with him earlier.’
    ‘No way!’ she said, voice bubbling with laughter and disbelief. ‘Was there kissing?’
    I love Carmel, I realised. Really love her. I’d just broken the news that she was in a room full of the living dead, and the first question out of her mouth was about my sex life. I understood why
could deal with all of this – with my visions, I’ve been on the fringes of the supernatural my whole life – but her easy acceptance of it amazed me. That’s what three years on the night desk will get you, I suppose.
    ‘No. But quite a lot of bare skin. It was … nice.’
    ‘I bet it was,’ she said, surveying Luca like he was a box of chocolates. ‘So how did that happen? Why did you drop the whole “no touching, dahling” routine? And while we’re sharing, what’s with that anyway? Why don’t you like to be touched? Is there something … off, from when you were a kid?’
    Her tone had lowered, and the sparkle had gone from her eyes. She obviously expected some sordid tale of abuse to be heading her way.
    ‘Nothing like that,’ I said quickly. ‘It’s complicated …’
    ‘I think,’ she said, gesturing around the room, ‘that if I can handle this, I can handle anything.’
    Fair point.
    ‘Sometimes, when I touch people – skin on skin – I see things. I see visions … of their future. And a lot of times that’s fine – it’s mundane, it’s normal, or even really happy. But

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