Only Yours
the office will also hear me. I can’t cause a scene and not have everyone talking about it.
    Dirty Bastard!

Chapter 7

    For the last hour I have been trying to type up a design proposal to send to Mr. Givens for the remodel on his Victorian home in The Heights area. Normally I could finish this within twenty to thirty minutes max. Not today. Besides my nerves being frayed, my mind is reeling from what lies ahead for the next few week. Not to mention, my new personal assistant is sitting across from me watching everything I do with a smile plastered to his face. I have to assume the smile is fake. Nothing that has happened today is smile worthy. I mean, he was practically ordered to follow me around like a puppy.
    Who would smile happily about that?
    I hit the save button on my computer, groan, and slam down the top of my laptop. “I’ll be here all day at this rate,” I mumble under my breath. Palming my eyes, I lightly rub at them, wishing I could somehow erase this day and start anew. If I could, I would pack a small bag, grab Dimples, and I’d run away and hide for as long as it took for Daemon to forget my name and everything about me.
    I silently laugh at the absurdity of that idea. The truth is that Daemon is not my only problem. It’s also me. I could be living clear across the world, and years from now, I would still be thinking about him. Remembering the way his touch turns my body into a live wire, the feel of his lips on mine, and the way his cock magically hits every nerve ending within me, as he slowly fucks me hours on end. Nope. There is definitely no easy way to run away from all that.
    “Are you okay Ms. Dawson?” James softly asks, from his seat in front of me.
    “No,” I sigh, pulling my hands away from my face.
    I give him a small smile, not wanting him to know he is part of the problem. It’s not his fault his boss has a few screws loose. “I am certainty not okay James, but I don’t have time to keep dwelling on all the bad. I have a lunch date I need to get to. Will you be okay by yourself here or do I need to call Daemon and have him send a car for you?”
    Standing, I reach behind my desk and retrieve my purse that I keep stashed on a hook. When I turn back around, I’m surprised to find James already standing and waiting by the doorway. He’s got crazy ninja skills. I never heard him move.
    Remembering my phone, I open my desk drawer and dig around, searching through a bottle of Tylenol, several hair ties, and multiple tubes of lip gloss, until I finally spot it hiding beneath my favorite paperback copy of E L James’s book Fifty Shades of Grey. I swear that book changed my life. It’s one of the many reasons I finally took the chance and found the courage to leave Gary. Reading about the impressive orgasms the characters in that book enjoyed made me realize it’s possible to miss something you’ve never had.
    Heading past James and out my door, I stop by Charity’s desk and let her know I will be out for the next hour or two. She nods her head but once again, refuses to look my way. I have never expected much from Charity, mostly because I know I would be sorely disappointed, but her non-chalant attitude is pushing me over the edge. She chose the wrong day to push my buttons.
    I slam my hands down onto her desk, inches from where she continues to type. The sound echoes within the quiet hallway, earning her attention, and a few others near-by. I am not big on confrontations, but enough is enough.
    “Charity, what is your problem?” I ask leaning down and getting right into her personal space.
    Her eyes widen and quickly dart around, seeing that we have an audience. I don’t wait for her answer and continue on. “When I ask you a question or to perform a task for me, I expect your utmost attention and respect. If you can’t handle that with a grain of niceness, then maybe I need to speak with Cherie, and replace you with someone who can. ”
    Her lip quivers with anger. If

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