Underground Captive

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Book: Underground Captive by Elisabeth-Cristine Analise Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elisabeth-Cristine Analise
forget why he allowed himself to be drawn into a friendship with the Duplantiers and why he tolerated Charles Duplantier, the slave owner.  Jared admitted that Charles's genuine fondness for him, and his attraction for Nicollette, was making his mission more difficult the longer he spent in their presence.
    "How far are we from the big house?" Jared asked suddenly.
                       "About two and a half miles.  Why?"
                       "Because if we are to remain civil to each other until we get back there, we had better not speak anymore of our differing views."
    Nicki nodded in agreement as a gentle breeze caught her hair, causing
    it to wave like the ripples in a stream.  Deep, wistful longing brimmed in his green-flecked eyes. 
    "Ye should never wear yer hair any other way.  'Twas made to hang loose and untethered, to be as free as ye are."
                       "I suppose that's a compliment and I should thank you for your kindness, monsieur ," she responded coolly.  Though her anger at his abrupt mood changes seeped away, her emotions toward Jared remained in a tumult.
                       "Ye don't have to, mademoiselle.  I was just making an observation," Jared retorted.  "I do, however, have a question." 
                       "What is your question?"
                       Jared's mouth curled into a devastating grin.  "Where did ye learn to kick a man where ye kicked Williams?"
                       Nicki smiled, coloring with embarrassment, the last of her anger dying a quick death.  "Oh!  Must I answer that?"
                       "I'm afraid so.  Ladies just don't resort to that kind of violence," Jared pointed out with a mirthful, teasing light in his eyes.
                       "All right, then.  I overheard PaPa describing a fight between two men.  I cannot use the words PaPa used, since they were not fit for the ears of a lady."
                       Jared laughed, the tension leaving his body.  "I'm sure yer father's door was opened and ye heard this in passing."
                       "But of course.  Would I eavesdrop?" Nicki asked coyly.
    "Would ye, indeed."
    The very air around Nicki seemed intensified.  Her insides somersaulted
    with the excitement Jared’s nearness caused.  His overwhelming virility almost frightened her.  An invisible web of attraction delicately wove around them, gently luring them to one another; she couldn't deny the shudder of anticipation rippling through her at the thought of growing closer to Jared.
                       He grabbed a low hanging branch and held it.  "This day hasn't gone the way I would have liked it to go.  We have strong, opposing convictions, Nicki.  I can't apologize for feeling the way I do."
                       "I know, Jared," Nicki whispered.  "Ricard and I argued a lot over the same issues."
                       "Indulge me, Nicki.  I'd rather we didn't discuss Ricard."
                       Nicki regarded him with a curious light in her eyes.  "How odd."
                       "Not when one considers the alternatives. " Jared grinned roguishly, scrutinizing her from head to toe.
                       Flushing, Nicki drew in a breath, taking in the lean, litheness of his form.  She thought him the handsomest man she’d ever seen.
                       Jared let go of the limb and walked to his horse.  “I think we should start off."
    “O-o-of course, monsieur ."
                       In silence, they remounted and headed for the manor.  Before long, they reached the steps of the veranda.  Nicollette climbed down from Nur, sorry that their day had come to an end.  "I hope you enjoyed the tour, Monsieur Fleming.  I cannot tell

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