the world like the afterlife's premier card shark.
“That is it!” I yelled and tossed my cards onto the table. “How can you be so damned happy all the time....I mean, you're dead and you're still in a better mood than I am!”
“I am aren't I,” Nic rocked back into his chair and smiled unrelentingly. “Well, it could have something to do with my stunning personality, you just can't keep that sort of thing down. Or, it could have something to do with the company I keep. You're a lot more fun than you let on.”
I was about to give him a ration for being a liar when the door to my room popped open and in strode Dr. Gannushkin followed by Father Phillip. In mid sentence my jaw dropped and I looked down at the table, obviously set up for a card game for two. What would they think? They probably already thought I was nuts so there was no point in trying to cover it up. I decided to just go with it.
“You want in on the next hand Father Phillip?” I gathered the cards and began to shuffle. My brain worked overtime trying to come up with a plan. I couldn't faint again, I'd already used that trick and they'd know it was fake if I tried it twice. No, this time I would have to try something more direct.
“Are you here to exorcise my demons Father Phillip?” I did my best to sound light hearted but a tinge of bitterness crept in. He didn't seem to notice which was just as well. Nic hadn't moved from his place across from me, he stood his ground and with his chin tilted up he certainly looked much more confident than last time. Yeah, I was certain we would come out on top. But I didn't plan on Dr. Gannushkin.
“Samantha, I apologize for the other day.” she slid on to the edge of my couch and tapped her spectacles back up onto her sloping nose. “That scene was absolutely regrettable and it's entirely my fault. You see, I did not warn you that Father Phillip would be joining us because I assumed you would be uninterested in his help.” the tilt to her head meant she felt I was still uninterested.
“So, because of our unfortunate experience last week I feel that it's only right we should lay everything out on the table, so to speak.” she spread her hands as she spoke and indicated that we should all share in her new found sense of honesty and trust. I wasn't buying it.
“Don't buy it, Sam” Nic's teeth gritted together and his arms were tense on his chair. “She's just trying to sweet talk us. Don't listen to her, tell her to leave.”
I wasn't sure that I wanted to be rude. I didn't want for her to tell the nurses that I was getting surly or something. “What...what did you want?” I folded my arms across my chest, that was as harsh as I was willing to be at that moment.
“You see, Father Philllip has a special skill. A skill that I believe will help you to move out of this particularly harmful phase of your recovery and begin to heal mentally. He learned his special skill from living in South America for the past 5 years, haven't you Father?” she looked to Father Phillip whose white teeth and golden skin confirm that he'd been living somewhere with a lot of sun. I tried to play innocent.
“I'm not sure what sort of mental healing you think I need. I feel fine.” I grinned convincingly.
“Samantha, it's good for all of us to be honest here, this is a safe place. I am going to say this out loud...I believe that you have been interacting with what you think is a spirit, a ghost.” she paused for confirmation.
“What?” I opened my eyes as wide as they could go and threw up my hands in mock surprise. “You aren't serious. Is she serious?” I looked to Father Phillip
“In my