and there's more."
"We spoke to her and she was unwilling to tell us anything,” Max added, appearing annoyed that Grace was able to get Chloe to talk.
"It's all about attitude and being engaging, Lieutenant. Haven't you ever heard the expression ‘You get more bees with honey?’ Mary is Celina's best friend and Jimmy had confided in me."
"I still don't trust that kid, and as far as the parents’ attitude toward Mary Chloe, I can understand that, as well.” Max focused on Grace.
"Well, Mary didn't want to talk to you guys because she didn't trust you. Apparently, she has to pay a few people off to keep her business in that neighborhood as well as the secret one she's running in the back."
"She mentioned something about a payoff for the month, but I just figured it was some kind of modern day organized crime racquet. I wasn't there about that. Now what's this about a secret business?” Max asked and Grace told him all about the 1-900 numbers and the kinky-sex-call business Mary ran.
"This opens the case up to even more suspects."
"It gets worse. You see, there are these underground clubs. Apparently, Celina went there often and had met this attorney guy she was seeing. It's a pretty intense place and according to Mary, by invitation only. They can spot a cop from a mile away. Mary also said you have to go to three separate locations to be checked first before you're given an address to the club's location."
"Sounds like you've done your homework ... wait a minute.” Max's eyes widened and he stared at Grace.
"You made plans with Mary to go to the club Celina was last seen at.” It was a statement not a question and Grace knew that. She had every right to follow her leads and she had already run it by the commander. Felix was organizing a small group of detectives to assist. Sometimes, cases put her in dangerous, or in this case, uncomfortable situations. It's not like she wasn't experienced.
"Yes, I did and yes, I am."
"No, you're not. You have no idea where this place is, if that Morticia Addams look-alike can be trusted, or the hundreds of different things that could go wrong. We have to run it by command, and I need to be sure you're experienced enough...."
"Excuse me, but you have no right to tell me what I can and can't do while I am investigating leads on a case I'm working on. This is part of my job and believe me, Lieutenant, I do have enough experience. My commander has already approved the small operation."
"You have no idea how deep this case runs and how the other victims suffered. I'm not going to stand by and let a young woman who looks like you do go into a place like that unprotected. I don't give a shit what experience you have."
"Believe me, Lieutenant, I'm well trained and do know a bit about what happened to the other victims. I have my own connections since you were so unwilling to share with me."
"I told you before, I wasn't avoiding you. Ron...."
"Ron's an asshole. and I'm trying to conduct an investigation of a murder. A young, innocent victim. Now this missing person definitely is connected to my case. The commander has given his okay and approval, Mathews, and this is how it's going down. We can work together or separate. Your choice."
Max inhaled deeply, once again eyeing Grace as if unsure how to read her, or perhaps he didn't trust her. Grace didn't care either way. This was her case, and she was working under direct orders from her commander.
"I guess I have no choice but to let you do this."
"You're right, Lieutenant. You have no choice or say in this matter. Let's put the nonsense behind us and find our killer.” Grace stood in front of him now with her hands on her hips.
"Remember, everything goes through me. Got it?” he told her with his teeth clenched, finger pointing and a look that she was positive no one ever had the guts to question.
Grace felt her cheeks burning again, but before she lost her cool completely, she brushed by the lieutenant in an attempt to