Diamond Spirit

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Book: Diamond Spirit by Karen Wood Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karen Wood
Tags: JUV000000, JUV001000
That was the link. Walkabout was born on the same day that Diamond died . . .
    ‘Do horses have totems, Harry?’
    Harry chuckled. ‘Everyone seems to believe in something a bit different and something a bit similar.’ He smiled at her. ‘Even all the mobs have slightly different beliefs.’ He put his hand on his heart and leaned towards her. He spoke softly. ‘I reckon you should just pay attention to what your own heart is trying to tell you, kiddo. Listen to Mother Nature and hear what she’s saying. She’ll give you all the answers.’
    Jess sat there engrossed in Harry’s words. She imagined Walkabout being born, down by the river, down among the coachwood trees. That’s where Diamond was buried, right next to a big old coachwood tree. Maybe they had the same spirit or something.
    Jess thought of the big old tree in her garden. It was so old and wise, it had to be sacred.
    Harry changed the subject abruptly. ‘So who gave you that black eye?’
    ‘It was my cousin’s horse, Dodger.’
    ‘So, what happened?’ asked Harry.
    ‘I tried taking him for a ride and he just kept tossing his head. He wouldn’t stop snatching the reins.’ Jess decided not to tell Harry that it was his psycho son who caused it. ‘Then he went crazy and reared up. He smashed me in the face with his head.’
    ‘Sure gave you a good shiner,’ said Harry, spitting his toothpick out and stamping on it.
    ‘It hurt heaps,’ said Jess, running her hand over her face. It still felt sore when she touched it.
    ‘How come he tosses his head so much?’
    ‘I don’t know. He’s just a really stupid horse.’
    ‘No such thing as a stupid horse, mate,’ said Harry. ‘The difficult ones are usually the smartest.’
    ‘Well, he must be a genius or something, because there was no way I could make him stop it.’
    ‘Why don’t you bring him over here one day, and I’ll have a look at him for you?’
    Jess screwed up her nose.
    ‘I didn’t fall off him, so I don’t have to get back on him,’ she said. ‘And anyway, he’s not my horse.’
    ‘Fair enough,’ shrugged Harry. ‘Just thought I’d offer.’
    At that moment, Annie sang out for breakfast.
    Harry gave Jess a wink. ‘Saved by the bell.’ He put a hand on her shoulder to haul himself up off the bucket. ‘Let’s go and eat. I’m starving.’
    ‘I brought some fresh asparagus from our garden,’ said Jess, glad to have the subject changed.
    ‘Those mushy green spear things?’ asked Harry, pulling a face.
    ‘It’s not tinned stuff. I picked it fresh this morning. Mum reckons you’ll live forever if you eat asparagus – it’s so full of vitamin C! It even cures cancer!’
    Oh my God – was that a health lecture that just came out of my mouth? My mother has brainwashed me!
    Harry smiled. ‘You’re a good kid, Jess. You’ll always be welcome around here.’

    THROUGHOUT THE HOLIDAYS, Jess woke each morning with Diamond, Wally and the ancestral spirits on her mind. She couldn’t help it; the idea of them being spiritually linked somehow made Diamond’s death easier to accept.
    When the sun rose she would slip on her old runners, toss some hay to Dodger and jog to Harry’s place. She loved helping out around the stables and eating Annie’s camp breakfasts. Annie was thrilled with the fresh asparagus. She steamed it gently, and served it on a plate of its own, deeming it too delicious to be chopped and stirred into an omelette. ‘Here, have some. It’s good for you,’ she said to Harry as she piled it onto his plate.
    The day’s activities were always planned around the breakfast table. At one end Rosie, Grace and Jess would talk about their favourite horses and riding plans for the rest of the holidays. At the other end Harry would sneak his asparagus onto Luke’s plate when he thought Jess wasn’t looking. He discussed breeding programs, worming schedules and the price of hay with Luke and Tom.
    Jess was happiest when she was down at the mares’

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