sitting on Ian’s couch in the living room.
“Ok, Dayla, sit here next to me and tell me the whole story... ” Ian had softened his tone and looked into her eyes which were still red and blurred by her ruined makeup.
Dayla showed the list to Ian, explained what had happened at the hospital, about the drone and how she felt fine without the patch.
“There are too many… we can’t all be suffering from paramnesia, don’t you agree? Besides, we don’t know what is in the patch... To begin with you are deaf to certain frequencies... And in addition, events we considered déjà vu are actually repetitive actions, programmed for reasons beyond me… and every day! Some events have a social nature, and occur at the same time for everyone, such as sex, meals or work. People eat under the endurance limit, drink very little and... don`t you think their dialogues are really strange, even impersonal? Sometimes I feel that also our conversations are so... detached. Those who have had flu now have a peculiar smell and are hyperactive while not feeding themselves properly... Consider also that BlueGray operates without competition, and your discovery that rice genes have been modified on purpose… that these genes can modify human immune defenses. They are drugging us, Ian… but I don’t know why” Dayla concluded.
“We must understand the situation, you're right, and I apologize. First we need to keep the drug from getting into our systems. Tomorrow, under some pretext or other, I’ll get some sheets of synthetic skin from my colleague, a bioengineer. We will apply it to our skin under our wristsynks, the active ingredients will be absorbed by the synthetic skin and no alert will be sent to the hospital. I will secretly analyze the patch, preparing a sample before I leave home in the morning, so no one will be suspicious. It will be just one more sample included with many others.
As already arranged, you will go to pick up your new patches, and afterwards go to the office. Don’t let the doctor put the new patch in your device, you should find some excuse.”
Dayla caressed Ian’s face and then kissed him, hugging him tight.
Ian immediately responded to her kiss, searching for her tongue and began unbuttoning her blouse.
“Ian” said Dayla “not now. I don’t want to take part in programmed sex; you're still under the effect of the patch. It’s just unnatural!”
Ian looked at her and smiled, turned on some soft music and suggested: “So dance with me.”
Dayla relaxed in his arms and smiled, then whispering in his ear, she said: “Turn the volume down, honey... ”
The next day Ian obtained a dozen sheets of synthetic skin from the bioengineer, exchanging them for a reagent which his colleague needed urgently, having forgotten to place an internal order.
After having inserted the synthetic skin between his wristsynk and skin, Ian worked all day on the analysis of the active ingredients in the patch. He struck lucky; he obtained the results using obsolete machines which were no longer connected to the central system and that were only in the lab because they were waiting to be scrapped and recycled.
Finally, Ian looked at the time. It was already 8.30 pm… late, but Dayla might still be in the office. He wanted to go home with her and tell her everything. He took two pieces of synthetic skin and put them in his pocket, then went down to the 304th floor to Dayla’s office.
Ian entered Dayla’s office, greeted her and asked if she had finished her work; he knew that the cameras were recording everything and he couldn’t say anything until they were outside BlueGray Corporation offices in a quiet place to talk.
“Hello, Ian. Sure, I'm ready... Before leaving, I guess you also need to go to the bathroom” Dayla said.
Ian nodded, even if he didn’t understand what she meant to do, but since the toilets had a single entrance for ladies and gents, dividing only once inside, and above all
Kim Meeder and Laurie Sacher