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Book: emma_hillman_hired by Emma Hillman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emma Hillman
only took one more slide of
his cock so deep inside her to push her beyond her limits.
    She reached for the stars and drew them to
her, to them. She exploded in a million little pieces and felt her mind break
wide open.
    His thoughts rushed through her, heightening
her climax so much she felt her world dip then blur and then...everything
turned black.
    * * * *
    She woke up to find a very distressed Drake
hovering above her. “Hey.” She smiled up at him, reaching for him with both
    “Baby, stop!” He pulled back. “How are you
feeling? Are you in pain?”
    “No,” she answered on a sigh. “I feel very
    “Jessica?” He eyed her as if she’d grown a
second head. “What’s going on?”
    She couldn’t tell him, of course. He’d hate
that he’d lost control when he’d climaxed and his mental walls had shattered
long enough for her to read his mind. Oh, she hadn’t listened to his every
thought but only to those that mattered. And now she was so damn happy all she
wanted to do was to hug her to him forever. “I love you.”
    He froze.

    Chapter Fifteen
    “Pleading to You, Gods and Goddesses and
    that You unleash Your Power…”
    Ambrotos (Translation by Jessica James)
    She’d acted as if it hadn’t mattered. After
her unexpected declaration, he’d withdrawn but only after making sure her
earlier fainting spell hadn’t had lasting consequences. It was all right
though, she told herself now, bent over the parchment and its last scribbled
lines. Yes, she nodded, it was all right because she knew what he thought about
her. There might not have been love clearly spelt in his mind, but she knew
better. She’d seen how he really saw her, how he felt about her. It was love.
It had to be. After all, he’d been quite clear he didn’t want to let her go,
    She chewed on the end of her pencil for a few
seconds before shaking her head. “Nevermind that.” She had work to do!
    Grabbing her dictionary, she quickly flipped
through it and made sure she had the right translation for the first word. She
only had two sentences to go, and then she’d be free.
    But free to do what? Her mind countered.
    She sighed and rubbed her forehead. She
didn’t want to go. She wanted to stay with Drake and love him for the rest of
her mortal years. She winced at that last thought. Great, could she really
imagine herself as a frail seventy-year-old, in bed with Drake of the massive
muscles and impressive erection? He’d probably tire of her long before that.
Who was she kidding?
    She was so damn confused. Her thoughts kept
going one way then the other, happiness and sadness intermingling inside her.
She was driving herself crazy, she suddenly realized. And all this because of a
man? God, she was pathetic!
    * * * *
    He watched her work, her face tense as she
looked down at the parchment that held their futures. He sighed and leaned back
in his usual chair, his gaze never leaving her. When he heard her stomach growl
minutes later, he drew himself up and grabbed his jacket. “I’ll go get supper.”
    She nodded but didn’t even look in his
direction. Unable to find something else to say to her, he left the building,
careful to lock the door behind him. Pocketing the key, he braced himself
against the gusts of wind bursting down the street and started walking toward
the Italian restaurant. Another night, another pizza to go.
    He was following their usual routine, and yet
everything had changed when she’d looked up at him and said she loved him. He’d
been struck by the look in her eyes, all those emotions she hadn’t tried to
hide. She’d given herself to him, and what had he done? He’d shut her out.
    She hadn’t reacted, but he knew her. He knew
she was just bidding her time. He knew her too well to know he hadn’t hurt her.
He’d been too shocked to answer though. He still was, for that matter.
    She loved him?
     How had that happened? For a second, he
wondered if the

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