Chronicles of the Supers (Book 1): Born From Darkness (The Story of Max)

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Book: Chronicles of the Supers (Book 1): Born From Darkness (The Story of Max) by Jeremy Williams Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jeremy Williams
Tags: Science Fiction | Superheroes
man. He stared at her a moment longer and then stood up
slowly. Max stared at him as he moved but made no actions. Finally,
after he was on his feet, he sighed.
go ahead then. I've caused my family enough trouble. It's time my
miserable life ended."
frowned and stared at him. When she didn't move he stepped closer.
I promise if you do this they'll be better off."
stood without moving. After a few minutes she figured she needed to
get out of there. The longer she stuck around the greater the risk of
being caught by a guard. But she couldn't move. Something was rooting
her in place and she didn't understand it.
the words came from Max's mouth but she couldn't remember speaking
them as soon as they were spoken.
I've caused too much grief. I've already cost my wife her life and my
daughter her education. Go ahead and kill me please."
started scathing but a part of her started fighting against her will.
But that part of her was the part she hated. That part didn't want to
deliver a proper justice to those who deserved it. She fought herself
internally. After what seemed like a very lengthy battle Max finally
subdued the part of her that she hated. In reality it had taken less
than a second.
she did she grabbed the mans neck in her hands. Without hesitation
she squeezed, completely decapitating her victim. At the exact moment
his body hit the ground a guard walked by. As soon as she saw the
sight he instantly grabbed a radio and his gun. He began issuing
warnings as Max jumped through the window. A few bullets chased her
but she wasn't hit by any of them.
    By the
time they'd managed to mobilize Max had already darted off the
compound and was half way back to the school campus. She didn't care
about whether she was seen, she just wanted to get away as soon as
    Max laid on her bed staring at the ceiling as the sun rose. She
couldn't get the words the man had said out of her mind. And every
time she closed her eyes she could see the look he had when she'd
killed him. He was sad and scared. It wasn't at all like she was
expecting. She had wanted him to be angry. To fight back. To try and
hurt her.
    But he hadn't. Not only did he accept his fate, he'd even done so
because he cared about his family. He had wanted to save them from
having to deal with his troubles. Maybe he'd even been sorry...
    'NO GOD DAMNIT' Max thought angrily as she jumped up. She couldn't
start questioning her conviction now. She had to be steadfast in her
resolve to finish off the people who deserved punishment.
    She went over to her computer and began researching
again. She needed to find more people who deserved to die. She had
to. After a while the feeling that she was wrong about her ideals
would disappear. She hoped...

Chapter 10:

Max looked at the file in front of her with absolute disgust. The man
she had found was easily the worst person she could ever imagine.
He'd raped and beaten his wife and 2 daughters, eventually killing
the youngest one, a girl slightly younger than Max. It reminded her
of her childhood so much that she had to go after him. She needed to
end him and let the 2 remaining members live in peace.
that would be hard. The police had a picture of his face included in
the profile, but to date he'd eluded escape. They suspected he was
heading east of Raleigh but hadn't found him with various roadblocks.
Not that those were effective given how many roads there were, but
they still tried, even if sometimes it was to placate the public
outrage over their lack of results.
didn't know where to start looking for him either. However she had
abilities the police didn't. She also didn't have the legal bindings
they did when searching for criminals. Though it seemed that might
not help her this time around.
police files, as it turned out, were kept in a private database with
no internet access. It seemed the police in larger areas were

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