need to know that.”
“Caring for the environment, that’s good,” Alex said, trying to sound encouraging.
She gave him a small smile.
“Once in your cars, you will go home. Don’t stop. Don’t go near any major routes out of the city. Don’t try to leave the city, the roads will be blocked. If anyone looks like they’ve been bitten, don’t go near them, even if you know them. Even if they’re family. Believe me, you can’t help them. The only way you will survive is to barricade yourselves in somewhere and wait until help comes.”
“When will that be?” a man said.
Alex took a breath. “Hopefully soon, but I don’t know.”
“Where are the police, the emergency services, the army?” a woman said.
“I don’t know,” Alex repeated. “I don’t know what’s happening. All I know is that, right now, we are all on our own. So you need to be smart.”
“But you’re police, aren’t you?” one of the men, not screams-like-a-girl, said, pointing to Alex’s badge clipped to his belt. “Surely you know something?”
“I don’t. I told you, the police are gone. My station was wiped out by eaters. As far as I know, I’m all that’s left.”
“Well, how do we know things are as bad as you say then?” he said. He looked at the others. “I think eaters aren’t as dangerous as we’ve been told. I’ve heard it’s all to scare us. I could take one. Maybe two.”
He glanced at a pretty blonde nearby and puffed out his chest. He looked like he worked out. Probably thought going a few rounds with the punching bag made him tough. Why was there always that one idiot?
“Is that so?” Alex said, stepping towards him. “Go on then, try me.”
The man acted as if he was turning away then spun around, his fist raised. Alex saw it coming a mile away. It was sloppy and his technique was terrible, elbow flaring out to the side, arm flailing. Easily dodging the punch, Alex caught his fist, stopping it in mid-swing. When he tried with the other hand Alex did the same, clamping his hands around the man’s big fists and forcing him to his knees.
“Eaters cannot be taken down by a punch,” he said. “They don’t feel pain. Nothing short of death will stop them. Do the people who love you a favour and don’t go near any. You will get killed.”
He let go of the man’s hands and turned away, fighting the urge to scream. He knew he was wasting his time. They’d all be dead by tomorrow.
“You didn’t have to do that,” the blonde said. Alex turned to see her sink to her knees beside the man, putting her arm around him.
The others began to speak, some reprimanding him, some asking him more questions he didn’t have the answers to.
The attention of everyone in the room switched to Micah who was standing by the window looking out at the street. He turned to look at them.
“We just saved your lives,” he said, “so stop complaining. We’re leaving. You do whatever you want.”
He marched back across the room and out into the hallway.
Alex followed him. “There may have been a better way for me to handle that,” he muttered as they walked back along the corridor.
“You think? I saw a couple of eaters down the road. They weren’t coming this way, but there may be more.”
There were gasps behind them and Alex looked back to see the people from the office filing out of the room, seeing the gutted body and the dead eater. One by one they made their way past and ran to catch up with him and Micah. No-one said anything until they rounded the corner and came across the body of the eater Alex had shot.
Someone gasped, “Stan!”
When they reached the door to the fire escape, Micah stepped through, checking the alley. “It’s clear.”
“Alright,” Alex said to the group, “once we get down there, have your keys ready, get to your cars as quickly as you can and don’t make
Megan West, Kristen Flowers