Hot Nights in Savannah (Hot Summer Series)

Free Hot Nights in Savannah (Hot Summer Series) by Sarah Jane Hartgrove

Book: Hot Nights in Savannah (Hot Summer Series) by Sarah Jane Hartgrove Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sarah Jane Hartgrove
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wet kisses down his stomach.  Her mouth reached his happy trail of hair and it
ticked her nose.  She kissed her way down his hairline until she was at a patch
of dark hair that surrounded his shaft.  Stephanie leaned back a little and
touched the tip of her tongue on the head of his penis.  Then she began lazy
circles around his sensitive tip.  She opened her mouth and took him in.  With
one hand on the base of his manhood and her moist mouth at the head, Stephanie
began moving her head up and down and taking him deeper and deeper. 
    Brian thought he was
going to come in her mouth when she began moving.  He looked down and saw the
sexiest woman on him.  He grabbed the sheets beside him and balled his fists. 
    “Stephanie that’s so
good, but if you don’t stop, I’ll come in your mouth.”  Brian had his teeth
    She stopped and after
one last lick on his tip, she sat back on her legs. “Did you like that?” 
Stephanie thought she knew the answer but she wanted to hear him say it. 
    “You were driving me
crazy with that wonderful mouth.” Brian reached up with his fingers and touched
her lips.  
                “I want you inside me.”  Stephanie took
off her thong and crawled up his body.  She straddled his thighs and felt his
shaft at her opening. 
                Grabbing a condom, he torn off the
wrapper and rolled it down his dick.  Brian began rubbing his head against her
wet folds.  “You are so ready for me aren’t you?” 
    “Yes. Please!” 
Stephanie angled her hips down and took him into her slick opening.  She was
still for a moment so she could get used to the deep penetration.  Stephanie
began moving her hips and grinded on him.  Brian reached up and pulled her breast
out of the teddy.  He began to rub her nipples with his fingers. 
    Brian sat up so that he
was facing her and she was straddling his lap.  He held her face in his hands
and began a deep kiss as Stephanie moved in and out on his shaft.  His mouth
moved to her nipple and he took it between his teeth and gently nipped her tight
    Stephanie screamed out
as she had the most explosive orgasm she had ever experienced.  When she
thought it was ending, Brian picked up the pace and she began pulsing around
his rod again as yet another orgasm rocked her body. 
thrust once more and she felt his sack tighten as he felt his release.
    They sat facing each
other and both were unable to move.  Stephanie fell back on the bed and
straightened her legs out.  Brian reached down and rubbed the thin fabric of
the teddy against her smooth stomach. 
    “That was amazing”
Stephanie said as she caught her breath.  She thought her ears were ringing. 
    “You are a wonderful
lover baby.  Let’s get some sleep because you have a long drive tomorrow.” 
Brian helped her up and she curled up with him.  She was asleep within minutes.

Chapter 20
    The next morning Brian
and Stephanie made their way down to breakfast again.  This time Mary Alice
didn’t look so surprised to see Brian. 
    “Good morning you two. 
What would you like to drink?”  Alice brought around the coffee cup for
Stephanie before she even sat down. 
    “I’ll take orange juice
and I think it’s just coffee for the lovey Ms. Stephanie.” Brian smiled as she
was adding her cream and sugar to the java. 
    “Breakfast will be out
shortly” and Mary Alice disappeared. 
    They ate breakfast in a
peaceful silence and when they were finished, they made their way to the
rocking chairs out front.  It was a quiet Sunday morning and Savannah seemed it
hadn’t woken up yet.  Stephanie could sit here all morning but she knew she had
to be leaving soon. 
    “What kind of plans can
we make to see each other again?”  Brian asked as he rocked back and forth on
the veranda. 
    “Can you come up to
Columbia in a few weeks?”  Stephanie wanted to show him off in her

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