Jack Shian and the Destiny Stone

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Book: Jack Shian and the Destiny Stone by Andrew Symon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Andrew Symon
    Grandpa Sandy stood at the front of the newcomers, and held the flag aloft.
    “I am Sandy of the Stone, from the castle in Edinburgh. We crave an audience with the Hebseelie Court.” He waved the flag.
    The music died instantly, and all eyes turned on the new arrivals.
    “And where is Atholmor?”
    A fair-haired woman had come forward, and she stood now before Sandy.
    “He was taken by the Kildashie; maybe killed. We crave the Hebseelie Court’s help in regaining our castle, and the Destiny Stone within it. The Kildashie will not stop if they get the Stone.”
    The woman turned, fixing her gaze on a distant figure. Then she turned back, and nodded at Sandy.
    “You may come to plead your cause with the praesidium. Bring your son, and his son. Coll here will see to the rest of your group.”
    Jack saw the red-haired man beckon the others to some nearby tables. Grandpa Sandy nodded at Enda, who had moved forward.
    “We have no option. Do as Coll says; and see the others are fed.”
    Enda stared for a moment, but then turned on his heel, and indicated for the others to follow Coll.
    “I am Ishona. Come.”
    The fair-haired woman led Jack, his father and grandfather along the length of the hall. The music restarted, but without its previous fervour. Jack could feel eyes following them as they proceeded with the flag.
    I’d feel happier if we’d all stayed together.
    It seemed like ages before they reached the end of the hall, and Jack had lost count of the number of tables they had passed. His hunger hadn’t lessened, though.
    At a raised table sat three well-dressed men. They were middle-aged; older than all the people they had passed on their walk up the hall; but, like the other revellers, they looked healthy and well fed. Each faced an array of discarded plates and goblets. Silently, Ishona joined them.
    “Hallows’ Eve is nearly spent.” One of them rose and spoke evenly. He had an untidy mane of jet-black hair. “What wish you of our Hebseelie Court?”
    “The Kildashie have taken Edinburgh …” began Grandpa Sandy, but he was silenced by a raised hand.
    “Not you; the youth. By what name are you known?”
    “Jack. Sir.” Jack gulped.
    “Well, Jack sir; pray tell me why you interrupt our Hallows’ Eve feast.”
    Jack looked nervously at his father, then his grandfather. Phineas smiled encouragingly.
    “We are the Watchers of the Stone. Last Hallows’ Eve we defeated the Brashat, and got the King’s Chalice. But the Kildashie have taken the Shian square, and they have turned summer back to winter. If they get the Stone and the Chalice from the humans’ castle, they will be unstoppable.”
    “You are Jack Shian who retrieved the Chalice, then,” said the man with a smile. “Your fame precedes you, young man. I am Iain Dubh – Black John. Welcome to our feast. Would you eat?”
    Jack wanted to shout “Yes!” as loud as he could, but with difficulty he just nodded, and the three of them were invited to join the top table.
    “You will indulge me, Sandy of the Stone,” said Iain Dubh with a glint in his eye; “but we have heard of your grandson’s exploits last Hallows’ Eve. I had to hear from him myself. And you have brought back our flag.”
    “We bring this as a sign of our good intentions. We know that this flag was precious to your Court.”
    “The flag gains you entry here,” said Iain Dubh firmly. “But how did you get past the Urisk?”
    “We engaged Caskill the giant. He is free now.”
    “You have freed the giant?!” One of the others shouted, spraying wine over the table.
    “We pledged him his freedom if he would help us. Our task is urgent; we had no option.”
    “Then tell me why you need our help so,” said Iain Dubh. “The giant we will deal with later. Speak freely: Saorbeg and Clavers here are my right-hand men; and Ishona shares all our discussions.”
    As they were brought fresh food and drink, Grandpa Sandy explained the history of the Kildashie

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