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Book: FIRE AND ICE by Julie Garwood Read Free Book Online
Authors: Julie Garwood
that he took the money?” “No, but the FBI is looking for it.” “They won’t find any. My father didn’t do this.” Her loyalty was admirable. In this case, Bitterman thought it was also justified.
    “Yeah. I don’t see this as something your dad would do. However, there are a lot of people who think he used the classic pump-and-dump ploy. You know, the stock gets talked up until a huge amount is sold, then the guys who did the talking sell and, boom, the stock crashes. There are a lot of people who think he did take the money. They’re angry, very angry.”
    She nodded. “I understand. I read that some of those employees had worked for Kelly for over thirty years. Now they have nothing.”
    “I’m just letting you know that microphones are going to be shoved in your face the second you step outside. Security alreadycalled to say a couple of reporters for those rag mags have tried sneaking up here.”
    “Thank you for the warning,” she said. “There’s nothing worse than being blindsided.”
    “You might want to think about some time off until this blows over.”
    “If I did that every time my father was in the news, I’d never get anything done.”
    Bitterman stood and looked past her into the main office. “Here comes the FBI.”
    “They’re early this time,” she said without turning. They usually didn’t take her in for the chat until at least a day or two after her father hit the news. “I wonder why the hurry.”
    Bitterman looked sympathetic as he answered her. “Because I called them.”

    Today we observed the pack take down a caribou. It was amazing to watch the wolves work together to cut a straggler from the herd and attack from all sides, as though they communicated by mental telepathy.
    Ricky orchestrated it all, and the others followed his lead. He made the kill. His powerful jaws clamped down on the caribou’s throat, and he would not release his hold until the animal had fallen to the ground. The other wolves pounced then, and with Ricky’s permission, enjoyed a feast.
    I cannot feel sympathy for the caribou. His purpose was obviously to feed Ricky and his family.
    Survival of the fittest.
    When he returned to our facility, Eric and I talked about Ricky’s amazing strength and the abundance of the mysterious hormone in his blood. Eric is calling it K-74. He’s asked for my help in isolating Ricky so that we can take another blood sample. Since Brandon and Kirk have shown little interest in Eric’s findings, he has asked me not to mention what we’re doing.
    I have become Eric’s willing assistant, for my curiosity as a scientist is the reason I have traveled this far. I believe we must be flexible and willing to try new methods. Since Brandon is old school and would not agree with my opinions, it’s best he not know what we’re doing.

D ECISION TIME. SOPHIE COULDN’T QUITE MAKE UP HER mind if she wanted to play the dumb blonde or the bitchy blonde during the questioning. Over the years, she’d perfected both roles. Maybe for a change of pace she’d be flirty this time. Her friends said she knew how to work a room. Flirting with an FBI agent, though? Sophie doubted she could pull that off.
    She knew there would be two agents. They always seemed to travel in pairs. For safety’s sake, she supposed.
    She squared her shoulders and turned around. All thoughts of playing any games flew out the window as soon as she saw Alec approaching. She relaxed her guard and took a deep breath.
    Bitterman edged his way around the desk and went to the door to open it. Sophie was smiling until she saw another agent turn the corner and follow Alec. Uh oh. He was the man she had met at the hotel the night of the poker game. Jack MacAlister.
    It had taken a considerable amount of discipline on Sophie’s part to dismiss him then, but she wasn’t sure she could pull it off again. No harm looking, was there? He was awfully handsome. What woman wouldn’t look?

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