Hidden Meanings

Free Hidden Meanings by Carolyn Keene

Book: Hidden Meanings by Carolyn Keene Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carolyn Keene
down the hallway with a goofy grin on his face. He waved at them. “Mr. Wasilick said I should come to 707,” he announced. “Someone needs a guard?”
    Ned’s door opened, and he stepped out, pointedly avoiding Nancy’s gaze. “Yeah, I called for a guard,” he answered. Looking at Ralph’s skinny body in his crimson bellman’s uniform, Ned paused. “You sure you can handle this?” he asked.
    Ralph rolled his eyes. “What’s to handle?” he asked. “I can sit on a chair and stare at a door as well as anybody.”
    Ned looked annoyed at the job description. Nancy hid her smile.
    Gina’s door opened, and the two girls came out, looking a bit less upset. Ned escorted them down the hallway, without a word to Nancy. Saying goodbye to Paul, Nancy headed for her room.
    As she came through the door, she saw Bess lying on the bed, watching TV. “Where’ve you been?” she asked.
    Nancy ran through the details of the latest incident. Bess shivered when Nancy described the dead rat on the pasta. “How revolting!” she squealed.
    Nancy finished her story. “Nick Kessler is the only suspect we have right now,” she added. “And possibly a medium-height guy with a brown beard. You and George will have to keep your eyes open. Where is George, anyway?”
    â€œAt the pool,” Bess said.
    Nancy frowned. “She wasn’t on duty tonight,” she said.
    â€œI know, but she went anyway,” Bess explained. “She knew you wanted her to check out Jane Sellery.”
    â€œGood for George,” Nancy declared. “Want to go down and join her for a swim?”
    Bess shook her head stubbornly. “No way—not if Ralph is down the hall,” she said. “He’s been following me all day. He’s unshakable!”
    Nancy giggled. “Maybe I should hire Ralph to tail suspects for me,” she joked.
    â€œIt’s not funny, Nancy,” Bess said. “I’m dying to go down to the lobby for a candy bar, but I don’t want to see him. And you know, if I give up chocolate for anything, it’s really a big deal.” Her expression shifted. “But now that you’re here, Nan—will you go down and buy it for me?”
    â€œNo chance, Bess!” Nancy exclaimed. “I won’t buy a candy bar for you. I’ll go down with you, if you want, but I’m not feeding your cravings.”
    Bess moaned and hauled herself off the bed. “Okay, then, let’s go,” she said. “I guess if Ralph has to stay on that chair, he can’t bother me.”
    Opening the door furtively, Nancy and Bess slipped out into the hall. Immediately, they heard Ralph hiss to get Bess’s attention. “Sorry, Ralph, I’m in a hurry,” Bess called, sprinting by him. The girls scuttled to the safety of the elevator bank.
    Once downstairs, Nancy and Bess entered the gift shop, which was just off the lobby. Nancy flipped aimlessly through a magazine. “Hey, Nan, look at this,” Bess called from behind a display rack. Nancy looked over.
    Bess was holding up a huge T-shirt in an ugly greenish-tan color. Kiss Me, I’m Available, the caption read. Underneath was a drawing of a hideous pink octopus with eight circling arms.
    â€œWe should buy this for our pal Gina,” Bess said, giggling.
    â€œCome on, Bess, that’s awful,” Nancy said, but she smiled. It sure helped to know that her friends were on her side.
    Bess bought two candy bars—“In case I get hungry later,” she explained—and the two girls went back to the elevator bank. Nancy pushed the button and then glanced up at the mezzanine café. There, at a table right by the railing, Ned was sitting with Gina and Sally. All three were laughing and talking. Nancy seethed. “If he’s so worried about assassins, why did he choose a table out in the open like that?” she said.

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