Gloria Oliver

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Book: Gloria Oliver by Cross-Eyed Dragon Troubles Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cross-Eyed Dragon Troubles
kept all details about this meeting to yourself where any of the other new students are concerned. It wouldn’t be fair to you or the others if they came to see me knowing what to expect.” Her eyes held a mischievous glint.
    “Yes, ma’am.” Talia nodded, not entirely understanding.
    Lareen stood up and came around to her side. “Unfortunately, I’ve got work to do, so I’m going to have to shoo you out now.” She led her to the main door. “Enjoy your time off before the work begins in earnest. I think you’ll make a nice addition to the guild.” Lareen gave her a big smile before shutting the golden door and leaving her alone in the hallway.
    [Back to Table of Contents]

Chapter Four
    TALIA WALKED SLOWLY back to her room, her mind still having problems reconciling the strange facets of the school’s leader. Mandee’s earlier description of her seemed to fit quite well. The Administrator truly was like no one she ever met before. She was just relieved it was over.
    Once back in her room, she finished the letter she’d started for her parents. She tried her best to sound excited without showing any of her fears or trepidations. She hoped they were well.
    When she was done, she folded it and left her room. With a determined stride, she made her way downstairs. As she stepped outside though, she slowed as she spotted the hill containing Nertak’s store.
    Perverts were a new concept for her, but though Mandee, and even more so, Yllin, were concerned by this man, Lareen didn’t seem to have any problems with him at all. She was sure it meant he was all right.
    Nevertheless, she made certain her new knife was in easy reach as she stepped onto the path which would lead her there.
    As she drew closer, Talia spotted a man outside the cave. He was short and fair of skin, with a mop of truly white hair and a nicely trimmed beard. At the moment, he was sitting in a chair that leaned back against the rock wall beside the entrance, whittling on a piece of wood. It wasn’t exactly the way she thought a pervert would look.
    “Good afternoon, sir,” she said.
    “Good afternoon.” The old man leaned eagerly forward, righting his chair. Piercing green eyes met Talia’s own. “You’re new here, aren’t you?”
    “Yes, sir, I am.” She tried not to let it bother her as he looked her up and down.
    “Well, go on in and take a look around. If you want anything or need any help, give me a shout. Name’s Nertak.” The old man winked at her.
    She wasn’t sure what to make of it. “Thank you. I’m Talia.”
    “Well you just make yourself at home then, Talia.” He gave her a big, friendly grin.
    Nertak gave her one last probing look and then returned to his whittling. She quickly went inside.
    The entrance to the cave was dark and led down a short corridor. After less than a dozen steps, it widened out into a large cavern lit up by globes, the same as those in her room. Supported shelves stood in every direction, making the cave into a giant maze. Talia stared, amazed at the number of goods she glimpsed before her.
    As she walked around and gawked at all she saw, she slowly realized the distribution of goods wasn’t as disorganized as the placement of the shelves made it appear. Close to the entrance she found all manner of fruits, vegetables, and grains as well as pickled and preserved foods. The section after contained clothes of all shapes and sizes, from simple underwear and outer garments to things as frilly and strange as she’d seen the Administrator wear.
    Papers, books, inks, and quills came next—any and all supplies necessary for school. Beyond them she found leather goods such as saddles, belts, gloves, scabbards, and others she wasn’t sure about. This then led to weapons and tools for anything and everything. Surely all of this couldn’t be just for the students of the school.
    The temperature inside was pleasant, the air smelling of moisture and oils.
    At the end of the maze on the

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