To Catch a Witch [Spells of Seduction 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Free To Catch a Witch [Spells of Seduction 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) by Jessica Frost

Book: To Catch a Witch [Spells of Seduction 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) by Jessica Frost Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jessica Frost
Tags: Romance
    Rolling her eyes, she asked, “May I go there to bathe?”
    He crossed his arms and had an incredible urge to smile when he next spoke, but tried to contain his amusement as best he could. “You may bathe, but here, in front of me.”
    Jacob came back then with an armful of kindle. Dropping it to the ground, he added, “Actually, it is best we bathe all together so that if the sorceress strikes, we will be checking each other’s backs, so to speak.”
    Merlin noted Jacob’s wide smile and reciprocated it. “Now that is a marvelous idea, Jacob.” He began to remove his tight brown tunic and loose tights while he gave Pondora a daring stare. “Well?”
    Her eyes widened as she ogled his bare chest. She did the same to Jacob. Her gaze followed them as they slid off the rest of their clothing. Stark naked, they stood there waiting for her to do the same.
    “Well?” Merlin repeated with a lifted brow, daring her.
    She appeared flustered at first but then peered at the river. Her tunic was drenched with perspiration. He could imagine how sticky and dirty she felt under it. He had felt the same way. The day’s walking journey in the heat certainly did its trick.
    She bit her lip and squinted, glaring at him. “Very well.”
    She lifted the tunic over her body and head and tossed it to the ground. Merlin’s eyes widened as she gave him a smile and turned to walk into the water. His cock became fully erect as he admired her glistening body while she stepped into the water. She shivered. “Oh, it is cold.” She wrapped her arms around her chest, covering her delightful breasts from his gaze as she slowly crept farther into the river.
    Jacob and Merlin stepped in after her. Merlin wanted to make sure he came as close to her as possible. He needed and wanted that. An insatiable thirst that brewed deep within had him getting nearer and nearer to her. Never once looking at him, she walked into the water until the water level reached under her chin.
    Then she stopped and said, as if to the river rather than at Merlin, “You know this pull you have to me is part of the spell you created.”
    He nodded, even though she never turned to see his gestures. “I know, but does it matter?”
    She finally turned, lifting her feet and floating in the water as she stared and smiled at him. “I guess it doesn’t. We can do whatever we please to satisfy the urges we have, and once the spell is ended, they’ll all disappear.”
    Suddenly, Merlin’s heart felt as though an arrow had pieced its core. These feelings, these emotions stirring within, moved him and made him breathe, live, and hope. They seemed as real as life itself. How she so easily threw them away with her assessment hurt quite deeply. Merlin gazed at Jacob, who was on the other side of Pondora. His expression reflected what Merlin felt, as well.
    Yet she had spoken the truth. They were the ones who were blind and wanted it that way.
    “What if they were real, Pondora?” Jacob asked.
    Fear instantly etched itself in her eyes. “But they aren’t.”
    Jacob walked closer to her and wrapped his arms around her body from behind. She closed her eyes on his embrace and tilted her head to the side. He kissed her nape gently and whispered in her ear, though Merlin could still hear him, “But what if they were?”
    Without opening her eyes, she sighed. “Then I would do as I am doing now, relishing them to their fullest and letting my mind, soul, and body free. Let them take me where they will.”
    Jacob slid back down to her neck, kissing and licking it up to her earlobe.
    Merlin was still fully erect even though the water was cold. His cock throbbed and demanded it be used this instant as he stared at Jacob pulling her arms away from her breasts and cupping them from behind. She moaned in pleasure and leaned back into him so her breasts lifted out of the water. Her taut nipples puckered in the air, and each time Jacob rubbed them, Merlin wished he could be licking

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