Captive Pride

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Book: Captive Pride by Bobbi Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bobbi Smith
as he stared at Cecelia Demorest, for she was, without a doubt, the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. He had thought her most pretty before, but nothing had prepared him for this. Her complexion was creamy and flawless, her burnished hair perfectly coiffed, and her gown fit her exquisitely, molding the sweet curve of her bosom in a caress of golden silk. Noah could only envy the sensuous cloth.
    With an effort of will, he kept all expression from his face as he greeted her politely. “Miss Demorest.”
    CC’s emerald eyes sparkled with deceptive innocence as she gazed up at him. There was no denying it, she thought with dismay. Anna was right. Lord Kincade definitely was one gorgeous man. Still, CC refused to let herself be affected by his striking good looks. He might have the advantage over the other aristocrats she’d met because of his physical attractiveness, but he was still the arrogant titled Englishman who’d eavesdropped on her conversation, and she wanted nothing to do with him. She would treat him nicely only to please her father, and that was that.
    â€œHow wonderful that you could stay and sup with us.” She kept her voice soft to disguise the underlying sarcasm she was feeling.
    â€œIt was kind of your father to invite me,” Noah returned, putting her beauty into perspective. Lovely or not, this was the same woman who had voiced such a scathing opinion of him, and quite without provocation. “May I say how lovely you look this evening?” he offered perfunctorily.
    â€œThank you, my lord,” CC answered with equal coolness, feeling somehow a bit disappointed that he was less than overwhelmed by her. She had wanted to put him in his place, to show him just how sophisticated she really was. Yet he’d given no indication at all, other than his offhand compliment, that he found her in the least attractive. “I do believe the meal is ready to be served. Shall we go into the dining room?”
    Leading the way, CC started into the splendidly appointed room and she was surprised when Kincade moved to hold her chair for her. She glanced up at him trying to read his expression, but his features were a mask of polite civility.
    â€œMy lord.” She nodded slightly in acknowledgment of his gentlemanly act.
    The touch was a simple thing, the mere resting of his hand at the small of her back as he guided her to her seat. Still, the sensation the contact aroused in CC was shocking, and she stiffened in response to it. He had only lightly touched her in a courteous, impersonal gesture, for heaven’s sake, and yet a thrill of excitement tingled through her unlike anything she’d ever experienced before. Her breath caught in her throat, her heart skipped a beat, and beneath the satiny fabric of her gown, her breasts swelled and tautened, their sensitive peaks pressing pointedly against the restraining confines of the material. Desperately she fought to subdue her rampant reaction.
    Worrying that Kincade had noticed her disquiet, she cast a sideways glance at him as he moved to take his own seat. CC was relieved to find that he seemed totally unaware of the fact that his nearness had sent her senses reeling, and she breathed a little easier. What in the world was wrong with her? she berated herself as she tried to resist the feelings that were flooding through her.
    Though he gave no outward indication, Noah was irritated as he took his seat opposite CC at the table. He had felt her sudden tenseness as he’d guided her to her chair and he wondered if the dislike she had for him truly ran so deep that a simple touch could affect her so. The thought irked him more than he was willing to admit. Not that he cared. However, it was just that women had always found him attractive, and the idea that CC, a simple colonial, thought him less than desirable was annoying.
    Edward had stood back and allowed Noah and CC to lead the way into the dining room. His eyes were

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