Velvet Chains (Historical Romance)
played on his sensuous lips, and his golden eyes sparkled with mirth.
    Season gathered up her gown and brushed past Lucas Carrington. "I will bid you good-bye, sir."
    His laughter followed her out the room.
    When she reached the ballroom, Season searched the crowd for Colonel Tibbs. The whole evening had gone from bad to worse as far as she was concerned. She was to marry a man who was insulting and who couldn't keep his hands off her, and she wondered what she had ever seen in Lucas Carrington. She was aware that he had been talking down to her with hidden remarks and innuendos. He was an egotist and a scoundrel, and it had been apparent that he did not think much of her.
    At last she spied Colonel Tibbs and headed in his direction. When she reached his side, he was deep in conversation with another officer, so she waited, not wanting to interrupt them.
    "Did I hear you say The Raven was sighted last night?" Colonel Tibbs asked.
    "Yes. He was spotted near the docks by two of my men," the other officer confirmed.
    "Good Lord, he grows bolder with time. I assume he made his escape as he always does?"
    "Yes, I'm afraid so. My men gave chase, but The Raven seemed to disappear into thin air."
    "Of whom do you speak?" Season asked, interested.
    "No one you need concern yourself with, my lady," Colonel Tibbs assured her.
    "You spoke of a Raven, but I gather you weren't speaking of a bird," Season said, refusing to be put off.
    "That's true," Edmund stated, coming up beside Season and giving her a slight smile. "The Raven is a great irritant to us. He sneaks about in the shadows, and it is said he sails on a phantom ship called the Andromeda."
    By now Sir Henry Clinton had joined the group as had several of the ladies. "The Raven is more than an irritant to the crown, Edmund," Sir Henry declared in his boisterous voice. "He seems to be in two places at once. Somehow he always knows how to strike at us where he can do the most harm."
    "Is he a pirate?" Season asked, her eyes wide.
    "He is a pirate, a traitor, and many other names I could never say in front of a lady," the general replied.
    "What does he do?" Season pressed.
    "In the past six months, The Raven has been responsible for taking five of our merchant ships which were loaded with uniforms and badly needed supplies. He is a most unscrupulous villain," Sir Henry declared.
    "Do you know who he is?" Season's curiosity was aroused.
    "No," replied Colonel Tibbs. "Whoever knows his identity, isn't telling it. He wears a black hood which hides his true face.
    "That's correct," agreed Sir Henry, "but I have high hopes that we will soon capture the traitor. Only this afternoon my men arrested a man called Silas Dunsberry. It is thought that this man knows the true identity of The Raven."
    Lucas Carrington joined the group and his eyes locked with his cousin Edmund's.
    "Who knows, perhaps I am this villain you speak of," Edmund said, a grim expression on his face.
    "Most unlikely, Edmund," Sir Henry retorted. "You wouldn't then have so much time to spend in the company of ladies. ..." Sir Henry's voice trailed off as he realized his remarks were most unseemly. He cleared his throat as Season sent Edmund a scalding glance.
    Suddenly Season had had enough of this ball. All she wanted to do was leave. "I wonder if you would mind taking me home, Colonel Tibbs? I seem to be frightfully weary," she stated to her escort.
    Sir Henry summoned a lackey and sent him to fetch Lady Season's wrap. "I wish you farewell, my lady," the general said gallantly. "I take ship tomorrow," he added, taking her proffered hand and raising it to his lips. "I will hope to see you at a later date—perhaps, at your wedding."
    Season raised her eyes to see Lucas Carrington staring at her with something akin to hatred burning in his golden gaze. His glance sent shivers down her spine, and she looked quickly away. She wasn't even aware that Edmund stood beside her until he reached for her hand.
    "I will call on you

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