Return to You

Free Return to You by Samantha Chase

Book: Return to You by Samantha Chase Read Free Book Online
Authors: Samantha Chase
be replaced today and it will be just like new.”
    â€œI didn’t want new,” Jen said sadly. “I want it like it was.”
    Selena could totally relate. She may not have had her house vandalized, but there was a time when it felt like her life had been, and all she’d wanted was for it to be like it was before. “I know.” She gave Jen a gentle squeeze and released her.
    Wiping a stray tear away, Jen looked over the room.
    â€œI think between the two of us, we can get the bulk of the glass swept up, and then I’ll vacuum the rest. By the time the window guy gets here, we should have everything back in some semblance of order,” Selena said.
    â€œI’m going to put on some coffee before we get started. Do you want anything?” Jen asked.
    â€œNo, but thanks.” The reality was that she did; what Selena wanted most was answers. Why had James kissed her like that, and why had he seemed so angry? He was the one who had left her all those years ago, so what did he have to be angry about? Maybe if he had stuck around a little bit longer, she could have found out, but true to form, he had chosen to walk away without a word. Why had she expected anything different?
    Knowing her focus needed to be on helping Jen right now and not on steamy and confusing thoughts of James, Selena picked up the broom that James had let fall to the floor and began cleaning up. She smiled at Jen. “It’s going to be okay. I promise.”
    She only wished she believed it herself. There was only one thing she was certain of at this point—it was going to be a long day.

Chapter 4
    To say the day was long was putting it mildly. By nine o’clock in the morning, the window company had arrived and started making replacements. Meanwhile, Jen got on the phone with her insurance company, and Selena pulled out her laptop to work on making hotel reservations for them. It was loud and chaotic, but there were enough distractions going on that Jen seemed to be feeling a little more in control and a little less emotional.
    By noon, the house was completely back in order, and a casual observer would never have known that anything had happened. Just when she thought things were back on track, Jen’s nervousness and fidgeting returned, telling Selena that her friend was still on edge.
    â€œWe have a two-bedroom suite booked for the next three nights,” Selena said brightly, hoping to lighten the mood. “I can add more nights if you want me to.” She scrolled through the online reservation. “We can book our massages now, if you’d like.” She searched a little more. “The on-site restaurant looks great and the room service menu has all of our necessities—burgers, fries, and milk shakes. And a salad if you feel the need for greenery.”
    Jen shook her head. “That should be fine. We might not even need all three nights. I’m kind of praying I’ll hear from either James or Mike soon that they found Todd.” She paced the small confines of the kitchen as she chewed on her bottom lip.
    â€œThere’s still no guarantee it was him, Jen. This could have been just something random.”
    â€œYou don’t really believe that, do you?” Jen asked incredulously as she pulled a chair out to sit down.
    Selena sighed. She had to admit that no, she didn’t believe it was a random act of violence. “I guess not.” They were sitting at the kitchen table, each lost in their own thoughts, when Selena decided she had to have some answers of her own. The timing may not be ideal, but if they were going to get through the rest of Selena’s visit intact, she had to know the truth. “Why didn’t you tell me you had gone to see James about this thing with Todd?”
    The look of shock on Jen’s face was almost comical. “Seriously? Why didn’t I tell you? Come on, Selena, just getting you to come home for a

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