Double Doublecross

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Book: Double Doublecross by James Saunders Read Free Book Online
Authors: James Saunders
a week now. He’s too quiet. As a rule, we regularly have some work to do together, but he hasn’t contacted me, and that’s not like him at all.”
    Phil Speed did not elaborate on the type of work he and Carl had to do, and Sara didn’t want to know. It was now approaching eleven o’clock and Sara suggested Phil should leave as Rick might come home early for lunch and to see if everything was okay. They walked to the front door and stopped to kiss passionately once again.
    â€œWhen will I see you again?” Phil inquired.
    â€œI’m not sure but I’ll contact you as soon as I get some news from Carl. Maybe we can get together before Christmas. It’s just a few days from now.”
    Phil moved swiftly down the drive, turning to wave as he disappeared into the road. He was not in a happy frame ofmind. He did not like Sara staying at Rick’s house and he was unsure of the situation with Carl Regis. Carl was customarily full of nervous energy and eager to do some work. Moving money to be laundered was generally a constant assignment and it was not usual to have a break period like this.
    Nevertheless, he knew he had to be patient and wait for Carl to call him. If Carl had something in the pipeline then he wanted part of it and he wanted Sara as well, but there was nothing he could do except wait for a signal from Carl or Sara.
    Meanwhile, Sara had showered and dressed. She decided to call Rick. Maybe he would like to join her for lunch. Rick had just ended a caravan tour of homes with a number of realtors and thought a lunch with Sara was just what he needed. Touring properties for sale in the current flat economic environment was a tedious business, and this offered a well-deserved break from the routine of work.
    They visited a local restaurant. Sara ordered a chicken salad and coffee, while Rick had the usual hamburger with fries and a glass of iced tea.
    â€œWhat did you do with yourself this morning?” Rick asked. “Any modeling or acting parts on the horizon?”
    â€œOh, I just loafed around, taking it easy. There’s not much work this time of year for me. I don’t fancy acting anymore. The lines are difficult to remember, and I can’t stand the makeup they plaster all over your face. Doesn’t do the complexion any good … blocks up the pores.”
    Rick smiled and said, “I guess you’re right. You certainly were well made up when I saw you in
The Mikado
. I spoke to the makeup artist and he said he could change your appearance at the drop of a hat. Is that true?”
    â€œSure,” she laughed. “But I still don’t like it. It makes my face feel stiff, and when you look in the mirror, you wonder who’s looking back at you.”
    Rick decided to go back to his place with her before returning to the office. They drove up to the house in separate cars and entered through the front door. As he stood in the hallway, Rick looked around with a puzzled look on his face as if he was trying to figure something out.
    â€œSmells like cologne in here. I know the bouquet,” he said lightly. “I’ve tried this cologne before, but I can’t place it for the moment. I know it’s nothing I use now.”
    Sara’s mind worked furiously. She felt her face burning and her stomach started fluttering. Of course, it had to be Phil’s cologne. Now she had to find an explanation. She was in a state of panic and had to think fast.
    â€œI know what it is,” she said hastily. “I went to the mall this morning and tried some of the colognes and perfume spray samples. Thought I might buy something different. Some of the men’s colognes have a fragrance superior to perfumes.”
    Rick laughed. “Isn’t that the truth? These days you have to smell good. It’s part of the male wardrobe.”
    Sara decided she had to change the subject quickly. “Christmas is just around the corner, so what

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