Stoking the Embers (New Adult Romantic Suspense): The Complete Series

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Book: Stoking the Embers (New Adult Romantic Suspense): The Complete Series by Leslie Johnson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Leslie Johnson
Tags: new adult romance suspense
and minor cuts accident, but the paramedics are always a little behind us in case there’s a problem. I give them a heads up, holding the mic to my mouth. “Octavio, this is Ken. You need to head up Pebble to save time. The entrance on Pecos is already jammed.”
    As far as I can see, the westbound traffic is stopped. Merging onto the 215, it’s amazing how few people pay attention to the siren and lights. I hope one day, the car manufacturers make a device that turns off your cell phone and announces our presence over a Bluetooth radio.
    I notice a blue Mazda oblivious to us on her ass. “Hey Cap, wanna call our buddy, Dave? Have him give this bitch a ticket?”
    Captain Frank points to the “IM HOT” license plate. “She’s punished enough!”
    He’s right. Isn’t it always the case?
    Taking three minutes longer than necessary to reach the scene, I’m trying to take everything in… two cars involved, seems pretty minor. Why the hell are so many people huddled around the black SUV?
    Parked and out of the truck, I grab a kit and rush to the cars. Holy fuck, this woman’s having a baby, now.
    She’s in the driver’s seat, a toddler wailing in the back. She’s reclined back as far as she can go, her hand reaching back in an attempt to quiet the screaming child.
    “It’s okay, mommy’s here,” she’s saying over and over again, even as she grits her way through another contraction.
    “Ma’am, I’m Ken Davidson, LV rescue. Are you hurt?”
    Her head whips around as I speak and she nearly screams through another contraction. “Do I look hurt?” She snarls at me, but I can hardly blame her.
    “I mean, from the accident. Pain?” Her eyes spit daggers at me. I almost laugh, but don’t dare. “Other than contractions?”
    “I don’t think so,” she manages to puff out between breaths, the contraction finally breaking. “I’m sorry I yelled at you.”
    “Totally okay, yell all you want. How far along are you?”
    “Thirty-nine weeks,” she gasps out and then clamps down on my hand as another contraction seizes her. Wow, that was quick. I look around, where is fucking Octavio and the crew? If they don’t get here soon, we’re having a baby on asphalt or in the truck.
    The paramedic truck pulls up just as I slip on some gloves from the kit. “Don’t worry about anything. We’re going to take good care of you and your baby. Do you know if you’re giving this guy a little brother or sister?” The boy in back is now sucking his thumb as huge tears continue to fall down his face. He looks okay strapped in his car seat. Captain Frank’s in the backseat with him, checking him out. He’s a grandpa of four; he charms a smile out of the little guy.
    “It’s a giiiirl.” Shit, another contraction. “I can feel her. Burning.”
    “I’m going to check, okay?” I slip my gloved hand beneath her skirt, grateful she isn’t in pants. Oh yeah, I bet she can feel her, the baby’s head is crowning and pushing through.
    “No pushing yet. Don’t push. I know you want to. Just squeeze my hand, but don’t push, okay?” She nods, her face blooming in pain. “What’s your name?”
    “Mel-an-ie.” She’s speaking in syllables. That’s okay.
    Come the fuck on guys, I silently scream at the guys pulling out the stretcher in what seems like slow motion. I know I can catch this baby if I need to, but a nice clean stretcher would be much better.
    “Okay, Melanie, you’re doing great. Fantastic. The paramedics are here and we’re going to get you out of this car and onto the stretcher. Much better place for little Miss Sunshine to make her debut don’t you think?”
    Suddenly, Stephanie is here, looking through the passenger door. “What can I do? I can help her with breathing, anything you need.”
    “Look here, Melanie. This is Stephanie, she’s training to be an OB nurse, isn’t this your lucky day?”
    Melanie nods, but begins to cry again as another contraction strikes her. Stephanie begins

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