Big Girls Don't Cry

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Book: Big Girls Don't Cry by Taylor Lee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Taylor Lee
than a little excitement to this dump.”
    Jake’s voice was hard, tight. “Don’t let her out of your sight, Brady. And I mean the whole fucking night! I’m going to get her moved out of there tomorrow. I’m arranging a place for her now.”
    Brady grinned. “I don’t know, Jake. From the stories I hear told, that little girl is no pushover. Hell, I heard she practically decked the chief. She might be more of a handful than you’re accustomed to, big guy. You might’ve a little more trouble throwing your weight around, Jake. ”
    Ignoring Jake’s muttered expletive, Brady continued. “Not to kick a guy when he’s down, but she sure as hell didn’t look happy when you two got back here. Hell, neither of you did. Trouble in paradise? Come on, Jake, I’m sitting under a tree in clothes that Goodwill wouldn’t give their worst customers. Give a guy some hope!”
    `Brady laughed out loud when Jake hung up without saying goodbye.
    The next day, Jake sat in the parking lot waiting for her to return. When the red Camaro pulled in, he climbed out of the Army Jeep and swaggered over to her. He shook his head taking in her cutoff jeans and stretchy tank top. Her platform sandals laced up around her slim ankles added dangerous inches to her show girl legs. Down, boy, he warned himself. Not that it would do any good. He’d had a hard on since he met her. It was clear that he wasn’t going to get relief any time soon.
    She was unloading grocery bags when she saw him. If he didn’t know better, he might think she was glad to see him. He huffed to himself, that wouldn’t last long. He was right.
    “Don’t you ever work?” Her chin went up in the air as she narrowed her eyes at him.
    He smiled a hard smile. “Yes I do. I’m investigating a murder. How about you?”
    When she tossed her head and turned to walk away, he caught her arm and took one of the packages from her.
    ”Tell you what, sugar, let’s put this stuff in the Jeep.”
    She flushed and glared at him. “Now, why would I want to do that, Agent Gardner?”
    Jake shook his head. “You obviously didn’t pick up your messages. Or is it just mine you ignore?”
    When she flushed and looked away, he continued.
    “It’s not safe here, Lexie. I’m moving you, darlin’. This place isn’t safe for you.”
    She frowned, then looked away, not meeting his eyes. Surprised that she didn’t protest, he decided to lay it out.
    “Someone was in your room last night, when you were out with me.”
    Her frown deepened, but again, she didn’t answer. With a shock of understanding, he realized she sure as hell didn’t look surprised.
    The anger he’d tamped down all morning flared. His voice was hard, crisp. “But you knew that, didn’t you?”
    When she looked up at him, her cheeks were bright pink. She bit her lip, then turned away, refusing to meet his eyes.
    He moved toward her backing her against the car, purposefully looming over her.
    “Goddammit, Lexie. You got back here, and knew someone had been in your room? And you didn’t bother to call me? You stayed in that fucking room all night long knowing that some intruder had been there? And chose not to call me? Is that what you’re going to tell me? “
    She angled out from under him and threw him an angry glare.
    “I’m not going to tell you anything. But…I… didn’t sleep in the room. I slept on the balcony.”
    At the mention of the balcony, Jake’s vision blurred red. It didn’t help to know that she was too scared to sleep in the room and she still didn’t fucking call him.
    His voice was sharp. “Go get packed. I’ll talk to the guy at the desk and clear out your bill.”
    She jerked around and pressed her fists against her sides.
    “I can take care of my own bill, thank you.”
    Jake shrugged. “I wouldn’t be so sure of that, sugar. They’re already raking you over the coals. They’re charging you for an executive suite, double the cost of a basic, and aren’t giving you the

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