The Pocket Watch

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Book: The Pocket Watch by Ceci Giltenan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ceci Giltenan
personality, she was a noblewoman and his betrothed, so he could not allow his clan to show her disrespect either, but at dinner they had come perilously close. Today he would make certain the clan knew his expectations. It would only take a few well-chosen comments to the right people for word to disseminate.
    Since it had been fairly obvious before yesterday that he could barely tolerate Margaret, he also needed to ensure his actions towards Maggie left no room for misinterpretation.
    He was drawn from his thoughts by a knock at the door. “Enter.”
    His squire, David, poked his head in. “Laird, Freya is here and wishes to speak with ye urgently about Lady Margaret.”
    Logan frowned. “I’ll get dressed.”
    “Aye, Laird.” The lad pulled the door shut.
    Logan took only a moment to put on his clothes before admitting Freya.
    “What’s so urgent, lass?” Logan prayed silently that the old Margaret hadn’t returned.
    “Laird, I just thought ye should know, Lady Margaret was up very early this morning. She wanted to go to the great hall to break her fast and so I took her. But when we got there…it was uncomfortable.”
    “What happened? Was anything said?”
    “Well, not directly, but folks glared at her and whispered unkind things. I heard them, so I expect Lady Margaret did as well.”
    “What did she do?”
    “Ye’ll never believe this Laird, but she asked if she could sit with me…I wouldn’t have minded but I didn’t think it was proper.”
    “Did she go back to her chamber? I’ll go see her there.”
    “Nay Laird. She said she wasn’t hungry, it was a fine morning and she wanted to get a bit of air.”
    “She left the keep? Alone?”
    “Aye, Laird. I offered to go with her but she bade me stay. I came up here straight away to tell ye.”
    He swore and Freya’s eyes went wide. “I’m not upset with ye, lass, ye did well. I’m just sorry this happened, and I need to go find her now.”
    Moments later he was down the stairs and out of the keep. Several people reported seeing her walk towards the kitchens. She had said something about eating in the kitchen yesterday, but after what his grandmother had said he couldn’t imagine Maggie had gone there. He checked anyway. She wasn’t there but one serving lass had seen her go into the enclosed herb garden behind the kitchens.
    He hadn’t realized how worried he was until he felt overwhelming relief at seeing her sitting under an old gnarled apple tree which grew at the back corner of the garden.
    He walked toward her, taking several deep breaths before asking, as calmly as he could, “What are ye doing out here?”
    She smiled at him. “Just enjoying the morning.”
    He nodded, but the lightness in her tone sounded forced. “I see.” He sat down beside her. “Have ye already eaten yer morning meal?”
    “I didn’t want to.”
    “Evidently, but why didn’t ye want to? And don’t tell me it is because ye aren’t hungry. That’s no truer today than it was yesterday.”
    She shook her head. “It isn’t important, Logan.”
    He considered her for a moment. “I think it is. Freya told me what happened.”
    Maggie sighed. “It isn’t their fault. Mar—that is to say, I brought this on. It will take time. I just didn’t have the courage to face it this morning.”
    Of all the things he could have imagined she might say, this would not have been among them. She was showing compassion for his clan—essentially protecting them from his ill will—in a manner befitting a chieftain’s wife. He took her hand in his. “Maggie, I am pleased that ye acknowledge yer part in this and that ye’ve changed. But even before, by virtue of yer status, I would not have allowed my clan to show ye such a lack of respect.”
    “But Lo—”
    “Nay, let me finish. I also accept that while ye changed in an instant, ye’re the only one who has forgotten everything. Ye’re right, it will take time and perhaps courage. But I

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