Scars: Book One

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Book: Scars: Book One by Sinden West Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sinden West
breasts as the reflection caught him in the background. This could have
been any scene of lovers, instead of the sick and twisted reality.
held my breath, waiting for him to say something to stop me using his comb. But
he was silent. Finally, my hair resembled something mildly feminine and human
again and I allowed a small smile to myself. I always liked how I looked, and
it always pleased me to see my reflection, as vain as that sounds. Even through
the bruising, I could still see that I was me.
my hair was finished, he still hadn’t said anything, although he had changed to
a sitting position as he watched me at the mirror. I replaced the comb on the
dresser and turned to face him.
you want me to make breakfast?” I asked, cautiously. I needed to eat to keep my
strength up. He got out of bed and dressed while I waited. Then he reached
under the bed and pulled out a bag. Not any bag, my bag that was filled
with my stuff. I held my breath as he rummaged through it. Finally, he bundled
something in his hand and launched it at me. I caught it with ease. It was a
black see-through G-string that Finn had bought me for my birthday and I’d
never worn. I didn’t know why I had packed it.
it was something. I looked at it then back at him. “Can I wear this?”
for today, so you don’t get pneumonia.” Then he hurled a long sleeved black top
at me. I caught it and wasted no time putting on the clothes. It felt like
Christmas, and I had a hard time keeping a grin from my face in spite of
you,” I said, relishing the feeling of cloth on my skin. I wondered if he would
give me my jeans as well, but he nodded toward the door.
followed him down the stairs and into the kitchen where I scrambled eggs and
made toast while he watched. Like the other times, I waited on the floor until
he had finished, and he gave me his leftovers. I didn’t even care, I had
clothes .
I cleaned the kitchen with painstaking perfection. I knew the diary reading
would come next, and I wanted to delay it as long as possible.
trying to be housekeeper of the year or something?” He asked, his irritation
lowered my eyes. “I just wanted to do a good job,” I muttered as I put the
cloth in the sink.
on.” He waited for me to walk in front. The living room looked even dingier in
the light of day, but the fire was going, and it was warm. We took our places,
and I hesitantly opened the diary to the marked page. I took a breath and began
to read.
had a date. The boy picked her up. He was one of those jock types with too much
ego for his own good. He was polite to Hannah and myself, but I couldn’t
contain my hostility and quizzed the kid about his plans for the evening. Hannah
tittered about me being overprotective while Rachel looked irritated. After
they had left, I felt annoyed at my feelings. Was it jealousy? Surely not. Not
when the little whore tempted and serviced me daily. I wanted to force her to
her knees in front of the kid and make her take me in her mouth while he
watched, just so he knew who she belonged to.
went to bed but I told her that I’d wait up. I sat in the dark and waited, and
God help me, I drank. I haven’t felt the need for a long time, but I sat there
and sipped the whisky while I waited. It was midnight when she got home. I saw
her face in the light, and she looked like a normal girl. The date must have
gone well. The expression on her face was dreamy, and a wide grin stretched
across her pretty little face. But I had to remind myself that she wasn’t a
normal girl.
jumped when I spoke, her eyes wide. She wasn’t expecting me.
I–I was just going to bed,” she stuttered.
walked over to her and forced her down to her knees. Of course, she didn’t
protest while I fucked her mouth. But I didn’t cum in her, I withdrew so the
ribbons of cum spurted over her head

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