Ruby - Book 1 (Daughters of the Dagger Series)
falcons to swoop in and kill on his command.”
    “That’s what I was afraid of.”
    “My lord?” he asked, obviously confused.
    “I want you to watch him like a . . .”
    “Hawk?” asked Locke with a large smile.
    “Just keep a close eye on him, will you? And
keep him away from my wife.”
    “You think he’d try to woo her from you?”
Locke looked up, confused and shook his head.
    “Nay, you simpkin, I think he may try to
murder her. There is someone within these walls killing off my
wives and I need to discover who before they decide to strike
    “Oh, yes, the unfortunate deaths of your
wives. I understand. I will keep my ears and eyes open, my lord.
But I don’t think he is a murderer. Mayhap you should keep an eye
on that new cook, Forwin, as he seems to like sharpening those
butcher knives constantly.”
    “That I will.” He motioned for his steward,
Lewis to join them.
    “What is it, my lord?” Lewis was in charge
of the household and the books, and also in charge of the servants.
The man was short and plump and looked like he spent a lot of time
near the food in the kitchen.
    “I feel there may be a murderer within the
castle walls,” he told him.
    “You mean – because of the deaths of your
wives?” he asked.
    “Aye. And since I’ve yet another new wife,
I’d like to see her last more than a day. Now keep a close eye on
the new cook, Forwin.”
    “Right away, my lord.” After a nod of
dismissal from Nyle, the man hurried across the hall and toward the
    Just then the straight trumpet blared and
the herald called out that they had guests.
    “Someone is arriving this late and
uninvited?” Nyle looked over to Locke and Godin. They just shrugged
and shook their heads.
    “Oh, didn’t I mention it to you?” asked his
steward turning and coming back to join them. “Lord Sheffield, your
sister sent a missive while you were gone that she was arriving
here this evening.”
    “Linette is here?” He looked up to the solar
door and saw a small entourage of servants, a few soldiers and a
bent over woman who looked like an old handmaid walking through the
hall following his younger sister. She was only eight and ten years
of age, and nine years younger than him. She was tall in stature,
and her hair was just as dark as his. But her eyes were bright blue
instead of his eyes of weathered silver. His twin, Nigel, had had
bright blue eyes as well, and Nyle found himself missing his
brother, as he had died in the same battle that had brought Nyle
fame in the king’s eyes. As the sole heir to the estates with
Nigel’s death, Nyle should have returned then to make amends with
his father, but instead he stayed away and held a grudge that would
haunt him for the rest of his life.
    “Nyle,” she called, rushing to him with her
arms outstretched.
    “Linette.” He rushed over to greet her with
a quick kiss and an embrace. Over her shoulder he saw Ruby just
staring at him. “I didn’t think you’d come,” he told her.
    Linette had married a Scotsman from the
Highlands close to two years ago. She’d moved to his homeland with
him not long after their marriage and following the death of their
mother when she passed on from a weak heart. Linette thought their
mother’s death her fault since she had been opposed to her marrying
a Scotsman.
    “I just got your missive that father died,”
she said. “I am sorry it has taken me so long to get here. What
happened to him?” He saw the regret in her eyes and knew that she
had wished she were here to be with her father before he’d left
this world.
    “He died from his battle wounds, Linette.
“Though he’d fought it for a long time, it finally consumed
    “First Nigel, then mother, and now father. I
am so saddened, brother.” She threw herself against his chest and
wept bitterly.
    “I am sorry, Linette. But at least we still
have each other.” He put his arm around her shoulder as she wiped
the tears from her eyes. “But do

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