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Book: Shadow by Mark Robson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mark Robson
other riders, his first impressions of each of their characters and what little he knew of their backgrounds. The encounter with the Oracle he described in
great detail, but then he skimmed through the battle with the dragonhunters and his decision to pursue the night dragon orb alone, rather than risk unnecessary conflict by going with the others to
the day dragon enclave. Day and night dragons had teetered on the brink of open conflict for centuries. Only the influence of the Oracle had prevented what many felt was an inevitable
confrontation. Pell felt confident that his decision would not be interpreted as cowardice but as a sensible precaution to avoid becoming a catalyst for full-scale war. He said nothing about his
fall, but gave a detailed account of the antics of the watch dragons at the Eastern Pass.
    Segun and his inner council sat in silence throughout his account, listening most attentively to every word. When he finished, he was gratified to see Segun lean close to those on either side of
him and he watched as they whispered back and forth with serious faces. The importance of his mission was not lost on them.
    ‘As I said at the beginning, I’m here to ask your aid,’ Pell added after a moment. ‘Can you help me find the night dragon orb?’
    Segun turned to face him, clearly irritated at the interruption to his whispered conference, but holding his anger in check. For a moment, Pell felt as strong and powerful as Shadow had told him
he was.
    ‘Tell me the rhyme again. The one you say relates to the night dragon orb,’ Segun ordered.
    ‘Very well,’ Pell replied, slightly taken aback by the underlying aggression in Segun’s voice.
‘Release the dark orb – death brings me life. Take brave
ones’ counsel, ’ware ye the knife. Exercise caution, stay pure and heed, Yield unto justice: truth will succeed.’
    Segun looked around at the other riders. Each nodded as Segun looked at them.
    ‘And you’re sure there’s nothing else you can tell me about your quest, or the other riders?’ the night dragon leader asked, his piercing eyes probing Pell’s once
    ‘I’m sure. I’ve told you everything I know.’
    ‘Then I must thank you, Pell. You have done the Night Dragon Council a great service by bringing this information to us today. We’ve long held that the Oracle’s power over
dragonkind has become an unnecessary burden. Now you’ve presented us with the perfect opportunity to rid the world of its influence for good. The Oracle’s demise will finally allow
dragons and their riders to assume their natural place in society – at its head.’
    ‘But . . . I don’t understand,’ Pell spluttered. ‘Without the Oracle dragonkind will die.’
    ‘No!’ Segun snapped, his pale eyes flashing with uncontrolled anger now. ‘That’s what the Oracle would have us believe. Why that meddling spirit has denied us our
rightful place in society has been a mystery for centuries. The Oracle has had the dragons under its spell for too long. They are blinded by their loyalty to it. The truth is, dragon-kind will
expand and flourish without the Oracle. Dragonkind will rise to dominate the world. No more dragon hunts. No more disrespect. None will dare stand against us. You must end your quest for the orb.
The Great Quest must not be completed, or dragonkind will be tied to further millennia of servitude.’
    Segun’s anger and intensity was intimidating, but despite the aura of power he emanated, Pell felt the fire of anger responding in his own belly. Of all the night dragon riders who could
have been chosen for the Great Quest, the Oracle had found him worthy. Not Segun, nor any of his cronies, but Pell, rider of Whispering Shadow. It was his moment of glory and he was not about to
give it up without a fight.
    ‘But what if you’re wrong?’ Pell asked through gritted teeth. ‘What then?’
    One of Segun’s lieutenants sucked a sharp intake of breath between his teeth and

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