Take Me for a Ride

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Authors: Karen Kendall
his or her own way.”
    “That rules out most students—” He stopped at the arrested expression on her face.
    “Blakely. It has to be Colonel Blakely,” she said. “She’d feel safe with him.”
    Great , McDougal thought. This is just great. Looks like I need to acquire some heavy boots and a big fur hat with sexy earflaps that tie under my chin. And unfortunately it’s time to ditch sweet, naive Natalie . . .

    Nonnie wasn’t dead. Thank God Nonnie wasn’t dead. Just to make sure, Natalie went to her grandmother’s refrigerator and found the magnetic card for her veterinarian. She rang the vet immediately.
    “Hello, this is Natalie Rosen, Tatyana Ciccoli’s granddaughter.” Nonnie had married an Italian man, which was how she came to be known as Nonnie, rather than Baba.
    “What can I do for you, Ms. Rosen? Are you calling to check on Fitz and Floyd?”
    “They’re doing just fine. They’re in a large cage together, with their beds.”
    “Oh, thank you. Listen . . . I didn’t write down my grandmother’s exact travel dates. When are we picking up the cats, again?”
    “Two weeks.”
    “And, let’s see, I’m just trying to calculate the bill—she dropped them off yesterday?”
    “The day before. That nice older gentleman carried the cage for her.”
    “Colonel Blakely?”
    “Yes, honey. He takes good care of her.” The receptionist paused and then added coyly, “Do I hear wedding bells in the future?”
    Natalie almost dropped the telephone receiver. “I—uh, I don’t think so. He just comes over and reads to her.”
    “Whatever you say. At any rate, don’t you worry about Fitz and Floyd. We even have a little gal who lets them out and plays with them every day.”
    “Thank you so much. I really appreciate that.”
    “No trouble, hon. I hope your gran has a nice time in Hawaii. See you soon.”
    “Hawaii?” Natalie said aloud after hanging up.
    Eric raised his eyebrows.
    “Hawaii doesn’t make sense at all. Why would she go there?”
    “Maybe that’s just a cover story she concocted in case anyone was on her trail,” he suggested. “I’ll check the flight manifests.”
    It was Natalie’s turn to raise her eyebrows. “And how exactly are you going to do that?”
    “Friend in law enforcement,” he said smoothly.
    She supposed it was plausible. And he had such an open, honest face, with that direct blue gaze of his.
    And yet . . . he carried a gun. She didn’t like that. What if he was in law enforcement?
    She shook off the thought, remembering how he’d laughed when she’d been afraid he’d report her accidental theft. Do I look like Dudley Do-Right?
    No, he didn’t. And then there were those lock picks. He had that wicked edge to him that just didn’t spell c-o-p.
    Then again, did it spell security consultant?
    Natalie, you saw his business card. He’s exactly what he claims to be. He works for a company that sells alarms and safes. So let the man use his contacts to help you locate Nonnie before she and the colonel get into real trouble, okay?
    She was looking her gift knight in the mouth again, and she was a girl who was going to have serious dragons after her. Big, ugly Russian ones. Very soon.
    Luc was a nice guy, if a dishonest one. But she had no illusions that he’d keep quiet the next time those thugs paid him a visit. Considering what they’d done to him, she couldn’t blame him.
    “Okay, then,” she said to Eric. “If your friend in law enforcement really doesn’t mind checking the flights, then that would be great.” She shivered. “Nonnie’s evidently turned the heat way down. Would you like some tea?”
    He looked for a moment as though he’d refuse. Then he said, “Sure. Thanks.” He pulled out his phone and headed into the living room while she stayed behind to put the kettle on.
    “It’s McDougal,” she heard him say. “Put me through to Miguel, will you?” Then he sighed. “Sheila, don’t chap my ass right now,

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