03 Murder by Mishap

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Book: 03 Murder by Mishap by Suzanne Young Read Free Book Online
Authors: Suzanne Young
to say or if she didn’t trust herself to speak at the moment. Edna guessed it was the latter.
    Silence filled the room until she wanted to say something if only to cut through what was growing to be an awkward embarrassment. Before she could think of what to say, however, Cherisse spoke, repeating her daughter’s earlier words.
    “It has been a long time. What brings you here today? Has Virginia told you I am dying?”
    “Oh, no.” Peg sounded shocked. “She hasn’t said anything of the sort.”
    “What then? Why should you suddenly show up at my mother’s bedside?” The questions burst from Renee harsh and loud. Glancing at her mother as if in apology, Renee softened her next words. “Mama isn’t strong and tires easily. Please say whatever it is you came to say and then leave us.”
    “Renee,” Cherisse rolled her head on the pillow to scowl at her daughter in silent rebuke. Only a few heartbeats passed before her face brightened and she smiled. “My daughter means well. Takes care of me, but worries too much.” She reached out to Renee and, as she did so, her eyes went to a small vase of yellow daffodils on the bedside table. “She grows such beautiful flowers. She brought these to me this morning.” Cherisse swiveled her head on the pillow to look back at Peg. “Now, dear, tell us what has brought you here today.”
    “Actually, I came to show you something.” Peg pulled the small box from her handbag, adding as she did so, “And I came to apologize.”
     “Apologize?” Cherisse’s face showed surprise.
    Renee glowered. 
    Edna watched as Peg set the small box on the bed near the withered hand she had released seconds before. Slowly, almost reluctantly, she removed the lid and took out the wad of tissue. She looked at neither of the Froissard women as she began to open the filmy white paper in the palm of her hand. All eyes were on the object, so only Edna realized another person had entered the room when he moved quietly to stand next to her.
    “What’s going on?” A deep, male voice cut into the silence of the room, making them all jump. “Having a party?” He looked around the room with an amused expression, waiting for someone to answer.
    Edna saw Renee tilt her head in Peg’s direction and guessed the stranger’s identity before Cherisse’s daughter confirmed it. “As you can see, Guy, Mama’s got a visitor.”
    The tall, good-looking man with wavy gray hair was Cherisse’s son. Guy slid his eyes to Edna. She guessed him to be about six feet tall, slender like his sister, with a thick moustache on his upper lip that was more pepper than salt. His eyes were a shade of blue nearly identical to his sister’s, except his had a touch of humor that hers did not. Edna had the immediate impression that he considered himself quite the dandy. With good reason , she thought. His open-neck, pearl-gray silk shirt and black slacks were as neat and trim as the rest of his appearance. 
    She smiled faintly, nodded briefly and stared back until Guy finally shifted his eyes to Peg. It took him a few seconds longer than his sister to recognize his former childhood playmate. “Peggy?” His tone was a question, wonder and doubt in his voice. “Peggy Graystocking ?” He shook his head in disbelief. “You look like Isabelle. What are you doing here?” The anger that had colored his sister’s questions and comments wasn’t apparent in his tone.
    “Hello, Guy,” Peg said quietly, staring steadily back at him.
    “Sit down, please, Guy. She came to show me something.” Cherisse’s smile held a touch of annoyance at his interruption before she looked back anxiously at Peg’s hands.
    Instead of sitting, Guy moved to stand in front of the window. From behind his sister, he studied Peg curiously. Brother and sister looked very alike except where Renee appeared skeptical, Guy’s expression held curiosity.
    Peg looked down at her open palm, at the object resting in the paper. Edna noticed her take

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