The Right Medicine

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Book: The Right Medicine by Ginny Baird Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ginny Baird
Tags: Arts & Entertainment
    He'd approached her directly, but she'd claimed she was busy setting up some kind of wine tasting and assigned a flunky to help him.
    Give him a break! Did Marie really expect David to believe they'd be serving wine in a bookstore? They couldn't possibly have a liquor license. Unless, of course, the brother of the guy who owned the place, who just happened to be the sheriff, had called in some favors at City Hall.
    David set his beer on the counter, and began to imagine himself and Marie running down the steps of City Hall, hand in hand, smiling and happy. Her dark, wavy hair was piled high and studded with wildflowers, sweet curls breaking free to frame her glowing face.
    David coughed loudly and shook his head. Next he would be seeing babies!
    Better get back to his reading, he thought, carrying his brew to the armchair. All this fantasizing was getting him nowhere. And David Lake wasn't made for dreams. He was built for action.
    Now, if he could just finish this blasted book, then maybe he'd be able to convince Marie his actions spoke louder than words.
    End of extended excerpts.
    Ginny thanks you for reading her work
    and hopes to hear from you soon!

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