Tarnished Honor

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Book: Tarnished Honor by J. Lee Coulter Read Free Book Online
Authors: J. Lee Coulter
He slipped away into the darkness cradling her close to his chest. Brighde moaned as he reached the horses.
    “Shhh, my love. Ye are safe now.” He kissed her brow tenderly as he thanked God for her life. The sun’s morning rays had just begun streaking the sky with color. Blac k sword inhaled sharply as they revealed massive bruising to her face. A primal roar escaped his lips.
    He gave Fergus charge over his wife after quickly swaddling her in a plaid. Withdrawing his sword and short sword, he stalked toward the alerted camp.
    Ross’ men woke up befuddled for a moment at the roar emanating from the forest. As they scattered to arm the m selves, they heard, “No quarter!” The men were instantly set upon by thirty Canmore warriors slashing and thrusting their weapons. It took only a few short minutes to slay his men.
    Spattered with blood and gore, Connall surveyed the scene. Where was Stephen? His body was not among the warriors scattered about on the ground. His ears picked up the sound of steel clashing. His heart in his throat, he ran toward the horses where he had left his wife.
    Blacksword crashed into the small clearing with blood in his eye. Fergus lay wounded on the ground with Ross standing to the side shielding himself with Brighde. He shook with rage as he spied the dirk being held to her throat.
    “Ye are a dead man, Ross. Release my bride.” He growled in a quiet voice.
    He shook his head…eyes maniacal. “Nay, Blac k sword! I paid good coin for her and I will have her. Angus sold her to me after he sold her to ye. All I need do is r e move ye as her husband.”
    Connall saw Brighde stiffen at his words and swore an oath. He had hoped to keep that from her.
    “What is this, wench? Ye did nae ken that the Earl of Canmore paid four hundred gold pieces to deflower ye?” He snickered in her ear. “Tell me, my lord. Was she worth it?”
    His heart softened as he gazed at his wife. “Aye, Ross. She is worth all the gold in my coffers and all of my lands. Brighde is without price. I do nae regret my actions that eve. Release her!” He took a threatening step forward.
    Ross was getting nervous as he glanced behind him quickly. He knew that he had not recovered enough from his illness to fight Canmore. He had a choice between his life or Brighde…he chose life as he practically threw her at Connall and leapt on the closest mount , racing away .
    The Earl caught her as she fell forward. His clansmen ran to their horses to give chase.
    “Hold!” he bellowed. “Ross is mine! Tend to Fergus, then return him and my lady to Halkirk.”
    Robbie eyed his laird. “Ye should nae travel alone, my lord. Take some men with ye.”
    He just shook his head as he led Brighde away to speak with her. Once they were alone he turned toward her and attempted to straighten her hair. She jerked back from his touch.
    “Forgive me, love. Did I hurt ye?”
    Her throat tightened as she gazed into the face she had grown to love. It pained her heart to realize that he had pu r chased her…like a prized steed. Tears sprung to her swo l len eyes.
    “Nay, my lord. Twas nae your touch that has hurt me. Kenning that I am naught more than an item to be pu r chased…that is what pains my heart. That makes me nae better than a whore!”
    “Do nae say such words! I will nae abide it…even from your lips! ” Connall bellowed. “Ye are my wife! I would have paid any bride price for ye.”
    “Apparently ye did! Tell me, my lord, how long must I please ye in your bed afore ye have your coinage’s worth? A year? Two? I wish to ken when my debt is paid!” Her voice grew shrill as she became more agitated.
    Connall stood there clenching his jaw. His eyes grew dark as she questioned him. Was his honor not tarnished enough by doing the deed? Why must she make him feel even dirtier than he already did? If he could have courted her at the time then he would have. There had been no time for it. He had to choose honor or her. He had chosen

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