Fighting Back (Harrow #2)

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Book: Fighting Back (Harrow #2) by Scarlett Finn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Scarlett Finn
confusion before it returned to rage.
    ‘A hooker? So he came here to get laid?’ Dax whipped around. ‘I’ll break every one of his fucking fingers and—‘
    She got between him and the door before he could get to it. ‘No, he called and asked for Trudi to visit this hotel room. I needed a male voice. I tried to track her down myself last night, but I couldn’t find her.’
    ‘My old roommate, the one that set me up.’
    ‘Set you up?’
    ‘It was Trudi who recommended the job that got me nabbed by the Starks,’ Ivy said. ‘She was my friend, and I want to talk to her, I want to know why she would do that.’
    ‘Money, babygirl,’ Dax said.
    That he used her pet name was a good sign. ‘I know that she got paid, but I have a feeling it was Carlos, her pimp, who put her up to it. I want to know why. I want to make her look me in the eye and… I just have to see her.’
    ‘You plan to hurt her? Is that what he was for?’ Dax asked. ‘You called your ex to enforce for you?’
    ‘No! I didn’t call Saul at all. He just showed up here this morning, just before I texted you, which I did, by the way, to prove to you that I am being completely open and honest. I figured you’d want to know ahead of time, or while it was happening, rather than find it out later.’
    ‘You still care about him?’
    ‘No,’ she sighed. ‘Will you please stand down red alert? Go sit on the bed.’
    ‘You didn’t fuck him?’
    Scowling at him, she poked his ribs. ‘No, I did not, and you’re forgiven for asking me such an insulting question.’
    Dax went over to sit on the end of the bed, he bent forward to unlace his boots, which she recognised as his preparation for getting comfortable. There was still a lot to talk about, and she trusted him to know that, but she suspected he had sex in his mind’s horizon.
    ‘Trudi is on her way here,’ she said. ‘You can’t be here when she arrives.’
    ‘Damn right I’m going to be here,’ he said, kicking off his boots and sliding himself up to sit at the top of the bed against the headboard. ‘I’m going to watch the whole fucking show. You’re never leaving my sight again.’
    ‘You’re overreacting.’
    ‘What the hell were you thinking leaving the apartment and coming here?’ he asked, sitting upright. ‘I am so fucking pissed off at you for—‘
    ‘You’re pissed off? How dare you say that to me! You were the one who brought his old buddy home to lunch then restrained me through the whole ordeal! Were you out all night? Did you think I was just going to sit in the apartment and wait for you? I’d have gone out of my mind with worry!’
    ‘That what you wanted me to do! What do you think coming home to an empty apartment would’ve done for me? Huh?’
    He bounded off the bed with her in his crosshairs, but she rushed to the window. Pulling the table in front of her to act as a barrier, the lamp on it wobbled side to side, walking on its base until she steadied it.
    Dax stopped, wearing a frown. ‘What the fuck did you do that for?’
    ‘Don’t come over here,’ she said with intent. ‘I mean it, Dax Harrow, do not come any closer to me.’
    Confusion overcame him again. ‘Did that jerkoff hurt you? That why you’re suddenly so worried for your safety?’
    It hadn’t occurred to her that her actions looked like an attempt to shield herself from physical harm. ‘No! I’m concerned for my virtue.’
    ‘I’m not gonna fuck you while I’m this pissed.’
    Though that wasn’t a statement she could put in the bank. ‘I can’t deal with this now, Trudi will be here soon, I have to think about what I’m going to say. I have to be together enough to deal with her. Why don’t you go to the casino? We can argue later.’
    ‘You know it’s not unusual for a hooker to show up with a pimp, did you think about that?’
    ‘There are dozens of women who work for this agency, they would never have enough men to—‘
    ‘Sometimes there’s a

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