The Rake of Hollowhurst Castle

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Book: The Rake of Hollowhurst Castle by Elizabeth Beacon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Beacon
glance at immaculate black skirts.
    â€˜Don’t be ridiculous, Cousin,’ Sir Charles argued impatiently as he strolled into the room in her wake, for all the world as if he owned Mulberry House as well as Hollowhurst Castle, Roxanne thought rebelliously. ‘If you want to catch a chill, I doubt if Miss Courland wants to nurse you through it.’
    â€˜I’d happily do so if necessary, but I’d prefer you to stay hale and hearty for your own sake, Stella, dear,’ Roxanne assured her friend and wished he’d go away. Instead he gave her that annoying, bland smile and sat in a gilded and brocaded chair she immediately disliked for not collapsing under him as he crossed one long, elegantly booted leg over the other.
    â€˜How reassuring,’ Stella joked rather lamely and began to look better as the warmth from the fire reached her chilled limbs and pinched-looking fingers.
    â€˜And here are the promised scones and jam at long last,’ Sir Charles murmured; if Roxanne hadn’t been so relieved to see the tea tray on Stella’s behalf, she might have risked a hostile glare and violated all the Courland traditions of hospitality.
    â€˜Ah, this is wonderful,’ Stella informed them with a sigh of satisfaction as she sipped fragrant China tea and stretched her sensibly shod feet towards the warmth.
    â€˜And I thank you for encouraging Cook to return tothe Castle if this is an example of her handiwork, Miss Courland. It was an act of supreme self-sacrifice,’ Sir Charles said as he took another scone and added jam and cream as eagerly as a hungry boy.
    Roxanne had to fight against the appeal of so masculine and powerful a man allowing boyish delight to eclipse his usual rakish persona. He’s an unscrupulous rogue, she reminded herself sternly. The occasional glimpse of the younger, less cynical Charles Afforde she remembered only proved what a hardened rascal he was now. Forced into the role of gracious hostess, Roxanne rang for more scones and innocently informed Mereson that Sir Charles was so partial to Mulberry House tea he’d surely need another cup, so he should send in a pot especially for him.
    â€˜Vixen,’ she heard Sir Charles murmur with a sleepy suggestion of intimacy that made Roxanne shiver with a feeling she assured herself was just a goose walking over her grave.
    â€˜The master of Hollowhurst must learn to appreciate the finer things in life,’ she assured him solemnly, only to see a gleam of devilment light his azure eyes.
    â€˜I assure you, Miss Courland, that I enjoy them already,’ he informed her even more softly, and she was intensely annoyed to feel herself flush as she avoided the open challenge in his brilliant, taunting gaze.
    Only just restraining a flounce of disdain even she’d only half-believe in, Roxanne was puzzled at catching a distinct glow of satisfaction in Stella’s warm brown eyes over their ludicrous exchange. What was there to be pleased about in his empty attempts at flirtation, and what could Stella be thinking of? Surely she didn’timagine there was anything more between her and Charles Afforde than exasperation on both sides?
    Nothing could be less likely to re-ignite the sweet schoolgirl fantasies she’d once woven about Lieutenant Charles Afforde than current reality, and she was glad to have made such a recovery from those silly daydreams. Somehow or another, Roxanne resolved, she’d make her companion realise she was immune to his charm. He was Stella’s cousin when all was said and done, so she supposed she must go about the task gently and not come straight out and tell her she found Sir Charles Afforde the most annoying gentleman she’d ever met.
    â€˜Now that my presence here is as respectable as a bishop’s,’ he went on now, certain he was right in his own eyes at least, ‘at least I’ll be able to call and pay my respects to you both without sneaking in

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