Unicorns' Opal
pulled her sword as she crossed the clearing to stand alongside Arik and help him cut down the steady stream of goblins pouring out of the woods. Alex strode into the clearing on Tedi’s side. He was covered in blood, but moved quickly across the clearing to help out with the last of the goblins. He signaled Tedi as he passed and Tedi turned his attention and arrows towards the group rushing into the clearing. Shooting over the heads of the Rangers, Tedi skewered the goblins pushing forward to reach the clearing.
    In a few moments, there were no more goblins standing and Alex moved quickly into the woods while the rest of the Rangers regrouped in the center of the clearing.
    “Do you think we should check for survivors, also?” asked Tanya.
    Jenneva watched as her shield winked out, but Niki’s remained steady. “No,” Jenneva answered. “You know the procedures. We don’t want Alex to kill one of you, thinking you are the enemy.”
    Tanya nodded and laughed. “If he mistook me for a goblin, I would be highly offended,” she chuckled. “You are right, though, but we should discuss the procedures when he returns. He takes too much upon himself. We need to be part of the team, as well.”
    “There is really no point to it,” smiled Alex as he returned to the clearing. “One person in the woods is enough to track down any survivors. A running goblin makes a fair amount of noise.”
    Alex strode over to his pack and pulled out a fresh shirt. “I need to clean up,” he announced. “We can discuss this when I get back. See if you can round up some arrows to replace those we have shot.”
    Tedi touched Tanya lightly on the arm and nodded towards the woods. “This sounds like a job we can handle,” he smiled.
    Tanya and Tedi left the clearing while Arik and Fredrik sat down and cleaned their weapons. Jenneva turned to Niki who still had her shield up. “You can drop your shield now, Niki,” said Jenneva. “What happened before?”
    “What do you mean?” asked Niki as she dropped her shield. “What happened when?”
    “Your shield weakened during the battle,” informed Jenneva. “I was ready to erect my own when you put a second shield up around me.”
    “I don’t know what you are talking about,” snipped Niki. “My shield didn’t weaken. Why do you always have to chastise me? I get to hold the shield up while the mighty Jenneva throws the Tree Mines. You treat me like I’m a baby or a slave. Next time create your own shields. I can take care of myself.”
    Niki stormed out of the clearing as Alex was returning. He looked at her stormy expression as she passed him. Alex turned towards Jenneva with a puzzling expression. “What’s wrong with our little queen?” Alex asked.
    Jenneva tugged on Alex’s sleeve and pulled him aside. “Something is not right,” Jenneva whispered. “During the battle Niki’s shield around us shrunk to include only her. I was ready to erect my own shield when a separate shield suddenly surrounded me. I assumed it was Niki’s, but she denied it.”
    “Could one of you be mistaken?” posed Alex. “I know you have told me that only a mage can see the physical shields. Perhaps she didn’t know what she was doing.”
    “It’s possible,” Jenneva barely conceded. “It is not the first such occurrence, though. There have been quite a few. Do you remember the occasions when Niki was mouthing off and someone magically gagged her?”
    “How could I forget?” chuckled Alex. “One should always remember acts of mercy. I assumed that it was you.”
    “It wasn’t,” informed Jenneva. “I thought it was Fredrik, but he adamantly denies it. This isn’t the first time that Niki’s shields have failed and suddenly fixed themselves, either.”
    “Are you saying that one of the other Children is a mage?” questioned Alex. “Wouldn’t they know it if they were?”
    “Of course, they would know it,” sighed Jenneva. “I have been thinking that one of them must be

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