01 Winters Thaw

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Book: 01 Winters Thaw by Jayne Rylon, Mari Carr Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jayne Rylon, Mari Carr
Tags: Compass Girls
hand. Then he used it to drag her forward for a kiss. The kiss, though gentle and sweet, didn’t move her. It didn’t make her heart race. It didn’t do anything. It was passionless, platonic, boring. Then she realized Josh’s kisses had felt like this for a long time.
    “I’m coming back for you,” he whispered. “I swear it.”
    She nodded, but she couldn’t find it in her heart to promise to be waiting when he did. She honestly wasn’t sure she would be. Her eyes were wide open and seeing too much. Everything.
    “I should head home and spend some time with my parents since I won’t be back for the holidays.”
    “Okay. Goodbye, Josh.”
    “I’ll see you over spring break, Sienna.”
    He turned and left, but Sienna remained in the stable. For the first time in her life, she didn’t have a clue what she was supposed to do next.
    Daniel stepped into an empty stall as Josh passed. If he’d been any sort of gentleman, he would have walked away as soon as he realized Sienna and Josh were still talking. Unfortunately, he couldn’t make himself leave. He didn’t trust Josh not to hurt her and if he did, Daniel intended to be close by, ready to catch her if she fell.
    Only she hadn’t fallen.
    He stepped out of the shadows and walked to where Sienna stood, motionless. Her gaze lifted when she caught sight of his face. He must have given away too much because she rolled her eyes.
    “Eavesdropping, cowboy?”
    She clearly wasn’t angry, but her voice didn’t carry the usual teasing tone he liked so much. It just sounded empty.
    “I didn’t mean to.”
    She snorted. “It’s not hard to avoid. You just turn around and walk away.”
    He didn’t bother to deny how much he’d heard. “Are you okay?”
    She nodded. “Josh wants a break.”
    “Yeah. I heard. That doesn’t bother you?”
    She bit her lower lip, a line forming in the center of her brow. “I don’t think it does. Maybe it will tomorrow, when I’ve had time to process it all. Right now, I’m kind of in shock. At some point, I’ll have to figure out what it means, what I’m supposed to do now.”
    Daniel took a step closer. “Or you could do what you suggested to Josh. Go with the flow.”
    She gave him a sad grin. “I have a feeling I’ll hate that.”
    “On what?” she asked.
    “On who you’re flowing with. Josh asked for his freedom and you gave it to him. There’s something you need to remember about that. You’re free too.”
    She crossed her arms. Daniel assumed the gesture was more for protection than warmth as the stable blocked out most of the chilly November air. “I guess so. Only problem is I didn’t necessary want to be free.”
    Sienna walked back to the hay bale and kicked it—hard—stirring up dust. “God, I’m such an idiot. The man I plan to marry just asked for permission to screw around. And I gave it to him. I must seem like the world’s biggest fool to you.”
    Daniel didn’t like seeing her so hurt. Walking behind her, he wrapped his arms around her waist in a gentle embrace. “Turn around, Sienna. Look at me.”
    She twisted in his arms slowly as her face lifted.
    “The only jackass in this barn was Josh. He’ll figure that out one day, but it’s going to be too late.”
    “Why do you say that?”
    Daniel placed a soft kiss on her forehead. “Because by the time he’s finished sowing his wild oats and ready to come home, you won’t be here waiting for him.”
    She frowned. “I have no intention of leaving Compton Pass. Josh or no Josh. This is my home.”
    Daniel ran his finger along her cheek. “That’s not what I meant.”
    She started to question him, but Daniel wasn’t willing to waste the time explaining. Better to show her.
    His first kiss was brief, but powerful. Sienna needed to understand there was a world of difference between him and the man who’d just left.
    Their lips parted for only a second.
    Long enough for her to whisper, “Oh.”
    Then he kissed her

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