When A Gargoyle Flies (Gargoyles Book 3)

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Book: When A Gargoyle Flies (Gargoyles Book 3) by E A Price Read Free Book Online
Authors: E A Price
about that.  Indeed a lot of clans – like Drago’s - eschewed clothes and had no thought as to anyone looking at their naked females.  Kylie rolled her eyes at Luc whenever he said something, but secretly, Annis suspected she enjoyed his boorish behavior.
    Still, it was Annis’ gain.  It was a purple halterneck dress with a low back for her wings, and, Maggie informed her, it also showed off her cleavage perfectly.  Although that was not the way Maggie said it.  She said ‘whoa, check out those bazongas’.  She then explained and told her that apparently, human males found breasts attractive.  To gargoyles, they were just means to feed their young during their first few days of life, but human males seemed to have a different opinion on the matter
    Annis brushed her hair once more, enjoying the shine and softness.  She donned some lipgloss – both for the cherry taste and the way it made her mouth look shiny – and prepared to do the scariest thing she ever had.
    Chris arched an eyebrow as he looked at his niece.  “What was that?”
    “It was supposed to be a wolf whistle.  I can’t whistle very well, so I just say the sound.”
    “But, seriously, you’re all dolled up.” Brenda looked him up and down approvingly.  “Something going on at the mansion I don’t know about?  Or are you just trying to make a good impression on the new gargoyle?  Maggie texted me that she was home.”
    “Yes, she texted me, too,” he muttered.
    “Probably a good thing.  Last time they brought one home you looked like you’d been living under your car for a month.”
    Chris pulled on his watch and sighed.  “I’d been working on my car, and it was just a little oil.  But, I ah, I’m not going.”
    Brenda blinked at him.  “You’re not?”
    “My life does not revolve around the gargoyles,” he said a little more sharply than intended.
    “What life?” she scoffed.
    Chris glared at her, and she looked a little chagrined before it morphed into shock.  “Wait, are you going on a date?”
    “No!” he cried before changing his mind.  “Yes, well, sort of.  Melissa’s visiting.”
    Melissa called him earlier in the day.  She couldn’t make it over the weekend – some big succubus case further south had come up and she’d be away for a week – so she thought she would come up that evening for a fly-by investigative visit.  Her call couldn’t have come at a better time.  It forced him into action.  Forced him to remember his earlier resolve.  He suggested that he give her a tour of the town, introduce her to the people who thought they saw the giant bat, and then they go for dinner.  Melissa was delighted to accept.  Chris on the other hand felt queasy about it.
    Brenda scrunched her nose.  “You mean the FBI lady?”
    “That all you have to say?” he demanded crankily.
    Brenda shrugged.  “Probably about time you started dating, and someone other than Martha – I’m not sure I could stand her perkiness and organizing over breakfast every morning.”
    “Martha’s not that bad.”
    “No, she’s the pick of the brain dead bimbos in town, but I’d rather not have to call her Auntie Martha.”  She shuddered.
    “I take it you’re going up to the mansion tonight to be with Ric.”  Annoyance prickled his words.  He was in a bad mood, and he was trying his hardest not to take it out on Brenda, but it wasn’t easy.
    Thankfully, she didn’t either care or notice.  “Of course.  Luc says the whole clan should be present for the awakenings.”
    “Have you done your homework?” Chris grunted.
    Brenda beamed smugly.  “Extra credit, too.”
    Chris had been trying to find fault with his niece over her relationship with a gargoyle – what parent wouldn’t?  But if anything, it had made her more motivated to do well in school.  She even did chores around the house without being asked!
    Brenda traced patterns on the kitchen

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