Savage Winter

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Book: Savage Winter by Constance O'Banyon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Constance O'Banyon
about you,” Joanna said. “It is said that you came to our village at my husband’s command. Is this the truth?”
    The woman smiled. “I have come to await Windhawk’s return. When he comes, he will make me his wife.”
    Joanna looked at Morning Song and noticed she was frowning at Red Bird. Could she also sense the animosity the woman directed at her?
    “I am told that you are the number one wife, Flaming Hair. I am the daughter of a powerful chief. I think you will soon be second to me!”
    Joanna’s temper flared at the woman’s forwardness. How dare she make such outrageous statements? “I am second to no one, Red Bird. You will never see the day you will know Windhawk as your husband.” Joanna’s voice sounded calm, but she was anything but calm on the inside.
    She felt as if she had just been delivered a mortal blow. Windhawk had betrayed their love, and in doing so he had pushed Joanna into a corner. She would take nothing from this woman. After all, Red Bird wasn’t Windhawk’s wife yet.
    Red Bird smiled. “You are a fool if you believe that. I havealready known Windhawk as a man and a lover. I will soon know him as a husband.”
    Joanna bit her lip to keep back her angry retort. She couldn’t bear the thought of Windhawk’s making love to this woman. If Red Bird was telling the truth, and Joanna saw no reason for her to lie, she would never again allow Windhawk to touch her.
    Morning Song could see the heartbreak written on Joanna’s face, and it caused a pain within her own heart. She didn’t like this woman who was trying to come between Joanna and her brother. Even if Windhawk had decided to take Red Bird for his wife, she had no right to say such things to Joanna. She thought it was time to take the Piegan woman out of Joanna’s sight.
    “Come, I will take you back to Gray Fox’s lodge,” she told Red Bird, wanting to get her away from Joanna before she made any other damaging statements.
    “I would prefer to stay here. This is where I will wait for Windhawk to return,” came the bold reply.
    Joanna raised her head and leveled a heated gaze at Red Bird. “This is not your lodge yet. Go from my sight!”
    Red Bird merely smiled and shrugged her shoulders—she walked from the lodge without a backward glance.
    Morning Song came up to Joanna, wanting to give her comfort, but Joanna backed away from her. “I want to be alone,” she whispered. “Please go.”
    When Morning Song sadly departed, Joanna sank down to the bearskin rug and buried her face in its softness. Hot tears scalded her eyes, and she began to sob uncontrollably. Her worst fears had been realized. Windhawk was tired of her and had cast her aside for one of his own kind. This was why he hadn’t come to her. While she had been suffering over his absence, he had been with another woman! She couldn’t bear to think that the hands that had caressed her body had also touched Red Bird’s body.
    Dear Lord, what was she to do? She was carrying Windhawk’s baby! Could she just walk away from him? Would shebe able to stay and watch Red Bird replace her as Windhawk’s love? No! Never!
    Sitting up, she dried her eyes. Joanna wasn’t one to sit around feeling sorry for herself. Windhawk had betrayed her while he professed to love her. Even though she was carrying his child, it wouldn’t stop her from leaving him. If he was hesitant to face her now, she just wouldn’t be here when he did return.
    Joanna swallowed a sob. Why had she been so foolish as to think their love would overcome the differences of their two cultures? Windhawk wouldn’t think it was wrong to take another wife, while she would never accept such an atrocity.
    The tears on Joanna’s face had dried and the anger in her heart took control. The least Windhawk could have done would have been to tell her about Red Bird himself so she would have been prepared before facing her rival. How cruel he was to let her find out about the Piegan woman from Morning Song.

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