Power Hungry

Free Power Hungry by Robert Bryce

Book: Power Hungry by Robert Bryce Read Free Book Online
Authors: Robert Bryce
    Puerto Rico

    Quicksilver Resources

    R3 Sciences
    Railroads, impact of
    Ramesh, Jairam
    Rare earth commodities
    Raymond, Lee
    Reagan administration
    Real-estate footprint(fig.)
    Recessions, economic, impact of
    and natural gas
    and nuclear power
    Reid, Harry
    Reinert, Bill
    electricity generation by other(fig.)
    fear motivating the move to, issue of
    federal loan guarantees for
    happy talk on, purveyors of
    history of relying on
    media coverage of
    and power density
    push for more
    reliability of, issue with
    sources of, transition to, time issue in
    See also Biofuels; Geothermal energy; Hydropower; Solar power; Wind power
    view of, toward nuclear power
    See also names of specific politicians
    Reserves-to-production ratio, for natural gas and oil
    Resource intensity, issue of
    Resources vs. reserves
    Rhetoric and reality
    Rhode Island
    Rhodes, Richard
    Rich, Paul
    Rocky Mountain Institute
    Roman Catholic Church

    Romans, the
    Romm, Joe
    Rove, Karl
    Royalty payments
    Rumsfeld, Donald
    Rural areas, and energy consumption
    coal reserves of(table)
    and electricity(fig.)
    hydrocarbon reserves of
    and natural gas(fig.)
    and nuclear power
    and nuclear waste
    and nuclear weapons
    and oil
    ranking of, by GDP and electricity generation(table)
    Rutledge, David
    Rybczynski, Witold

    Sakharov, Andrei
    Salazar, Ken
    San Diego Gas and Electric
    Sánchez de Toca Alameda, Melchor
    Sandalow, David
    Sandia National Laboratory
    Santos Basin
    Saudi Arabia
    carbon dioxide emissions of(fig.)
    and electricity(fig.)
    myth involving
    and oil
    ranking of, by GDP and electricity generation(table)
    Savannah River National Laboratory
    â€œSaving the Climate for Fun and Profit” (Lovins)
    as imperative
    relationship of, to the other imperatives
    Schumacher, E. F.
    Scientific illiteracy, issue of
    Second Iraq War
    Securities and Exchange Commission
    Shale gas production
    Shale gas revolution
    Sharman, Hugh
    Shellenberger, Michael
    Sherringham Shoal
    SI units, described
    Sierra Club
    Sierra Leone
    Silkwood (movie)
    Simmons, Matthew
    Smead, Rick
    Smil, Vaclav
    Smith, Kirk R.
    Smith, Mike
    Snow. P.
    Solar panels, price of, falling
    Solar power
    in China
    and comparing energy output, with other energy sources(fig.)
    cost of
    energy produced by coal vs.
    and federal subsidies(fig.)
    footprint of(fig.)
    happy talk on
    history of relying on
    increase in electricity production from
    issue with
    land-use issues related to
    myths involving
    power density of(fig.)
    and rare earth commodities
    reliability of, issue with
    Solid waste production
    Souder, Elizabeth
    South Africa(table)
    South Carolina
    South Dakota
    South Korea(table)
    South Pars field
    South Texas Project(fig.)(fig.)
    Southern Company

    Steam engines
    Strategic commodities, reducing the need for importing, myth about
    Stripper wells(fig.)
    Subsidies, federal
    Sulfur dioxide(fig.)
    Summer generation capacity(fig.)
    Sunrise Powerlink
    Synthetic Genomics

    Tanaka, Nobuo
    Tax issues
    Taylor, Jerry
    Technological advances
    Technological disruptions
    Tennessee Valley Authority
    Tertzakian, Peter
    Tesla, Nicola
    and natural gas
    oil fields in
    wind power in(fig.)
    See also South Texas Project
    Texas Railroad Commission
    Three Mile Island nuclear accident
    Trueman, David
    Truman, Harry
    Tupi field
    Turner, Ted
    â€œTwo Cultures, The” (Snow)

    Unemployment rate
    United Arab Emirates
    United Kingdom (UK)(fig.)
    and energy consumption(fig.)
    and energy intensity(fig.)
    and nuclear power
    ranking of, by GDP and

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