Each Way Bet

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Book: Each Way Bet by Ilsa Evans Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ilsa Evans
heard talking to someone at the front door. Cricket sent her aunt one more telling glance, and scrambled down to go and report the imposition to her father.
    Megan grinned at Emily. ‘She’ll get over it. She just doesn’t like change, that’s all.’
    ‘Well, her father’s home now, anyway. He can take over.’
    ‘Huh!’ said Megan with feeling.
    ‘What do you mean?’ Emily asked with a frown. ‘I thought he was the helpful type?’
    ‘And so I am.’ Jack came walking through the lounge-room doorway, carrying a large cardboard box which he placed down on the floor near the table. ‘See?’
    ‘Hi, Jack, um, you’re looking well,’ said Emily politely, although really she was a bit surprised by how tired and not well he was looking. As a senior surveyor in a private company, his days of casual gear for full-time fieldwork were well behind him and the suits he now spent most of his time in had never really flattered his large frame. But today he looked even more uncomfortable than usual, with a definite slump happening around the shoulder region and his short blond hair doing a rather strange David Beckham impersonation that probably meant he had been running his hands through it a few too many times today.
    ‘Hello, Em, Megan. Would someone, apart from Cricket, like to tell me what the hell’s going on?’ Jack looked around the family room and kitchen area. ‘Where’s Jill?’
    ‘Wun away,’ said Cricket darkly, clutching on to her father’s pant leg to ensure that he did not follow suit. ‘Thee hath wun away.’
    ‘Cricket – enunciate,’ frowned her father, ‘stop with the baby-talk.’
    ‘Anyway, she hasn’t run away,’ Megan said. ‘She’s staying at Aunt Emily’s. I think she’s sick or something – her teeth were all greyish.’
    ‘She’s not sick,’ countered Emily quickly, while nevertheless recollecting that Jill’s teeth had looked a little off-colour, ‘and I’m sure her teeth are fine. She’s just having a break, that’s all. Maybe she needs more vitamins. Anyway, I’ll explain in a minute, Jack. First – do you normally have a drink when you get home?’
    ‘Not usually.’
    ‘Well, let’s make an exception because I don’t know about you, but I really need one.’
    ‘I’m beginning to think I may too.’ Jack opened the sideboard and held up a bottle of scotch. ‘This do?’
    ‘While I’m pouring, do you and Megan want to go and get the other two boxes? And there’s a punchbowl too. They’re all at the front door.’
    By the time Emily and Megan had collected everything and reunited it all with the first box, Jack had made the drinks and held out a tumbler of scotch to his sister-in-law. She accepted gratefully and sat down at the table, taking a deep sip as she did so.
    ‘Ah, that’s better!’
    ‘This lot’d drive anyone to drink,’ said Jack with an amiable grin at his two daughters. ‘But now would you like to tell me what you’ve done with my wife?’
    ‘I’m her!’ Emily announced grandly, lifting up her glass in a toasting gesture. ‘At least until tomorrow afternoon, that is.’
    Jack regarded her appraisingly. ‘No offence, but I think I’d prefer the original version. Do I get a choice?’
    ‘Unfortunately, no.’
    ‘So where is she?’
    ‘At my apartment, having a well-earned rest.’ Emily took another sip of scotch. ‘I think she left a note somewhere for you explaining it. But there’s nothing to worry about, I’ll take over where she left off, that’s the deal.’
    ‘Think I’ll go look for this note.’ Jack ran his hand through his hair distractedly and then abandoned his scotch and headed off in the direction of his bedroom. As he left, the front door could be heard opening again, and shortly afterwards Matt and Kate arrived in the family room bearing dinner.
    ‘Come and get it!’ announced Matt grandly.
    ‘I’ll get plates,’ said Megan.
    ‘God, no!’ Emily held up her hand. ‘Remember the

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