Vicious (MC Club Biker Urban Alpha Male Erotic Romance)

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Book: Vicious (MC Club Biker Urban Alpha Male Erotic Romance) by Billie Kasper Read Free Book Online
Authors: Billie Kasper
the window, Sarah. We don’t want them to get the wrong idea about you.”
    What kind of wrong idea, Mr. Wilson? I wanted to ask him. That maybe I wasn’t like the other kids at this school? That maybe I’d just as soon flip off the school as that biker leader would? I wished I could be on one of those motorcycles, charging down the open rode like the bikers, the wind flowing through my hair… But instead, I’m stuck here at this lame school, with lame, lecherous teachers…
    “No, Mr. Wilson,” I said absently. “No, we wouldn’t want them to get the wrong idea.”
    The rest of the day progressed normally, or as normal as possible after a big group of bikers tear through a sleepy little town. Windgale is boring as all get out: a rural California hamlet with some big houses, St. Benedict’s, and then vineyards and farms all around. The money pouring into the valley in the last twenty or thirty years had made everyone pretty well off but it was the boring kind of wealth that doesn’t lend itself to culture or anything of interest.
    Instead of building museums, we built bigger houses or bought nicer cars to drive down to San Francisco for the weekend. Instead of bringing in nice shops or even building a mall, we bought everything online. The adults talked about how quiet it was, how much they liked having everyone so serene and rural, but for anyone under thirty, it was torture.
    My best friend Cassie and I found ourselves walking home that afternoon, book bags slung over our shoulders. A group of boys from the public high school the next town over drove by, eying our long, pale legs beneath our plaid skirts.
    “God, I feel like a piece of meat whenever I get dressed for school…” Cassie muttered. “I wish we could wear pants.”
    “Wear leggings,” I said with a shrug.
    “Even then… I don’t know. Don’t you just fee like you’re… Like you’re on display? For everyone? Even for… Mr. Wilson?”
    I stopped dead in my tracks.
    “He’s such a creeper,” Cassie continued, not even noticing my discomfort.
    “Yeah, I think he totally came onto me today when I was talking about colleges with him,” I finally managed to choke out before continuing on.
    “I wouldn’t be surprised. It’s too bad he’s got an in with every college admissions office in the country. He thinks he can do whatever the hell he wants…”
    “I don’t know,” I said. “He got pretty freaked out when those bikers rode by today.”
    “Ew, those grease balls? They’re even worse than Mr. Wilson.”
    “Hey, what did they ever do to you?”
    Now it was Cassie’s turn to stop dead in her tracks, eyeing me suspiciously.
    “Why are you defending those creeps? They’re… They’re thugs, aren’t they? Just criminals and drug dealers…”
    I stuttered and just scowled. I had no idea if they were or not. The fact was, I had just spent most of the afternoon fantasizing about being on the back of a motorcycle, a piece of vibrating steel between my young legs and the hard, muscular body of a biker in my arms, feeling his muscles tense and maneuver as we roar down the highway…
    We got to my house after a few more blocks of strained silence. In the living room, my mother was watching the afternoon news. There was a snack for us on the kitchen table: apples with peanut butter and raisins. The same as every day since first grade.
    “Oh, I’m glad you girls got home safely. They’re saying on the news that there’s a biker gang roaming the streets. Can you imagine? Here, in Windgale?”
    “We saw them ride by the school today,” Cassie informed her. “It was pretty scary. They were making faces and eyes and all that at the girls… Flipping off the teachers.”
    “I didn’t think they were so bad,” I mumbled. Neither Cassie nor my mother heard me.
    “I hope the police do something about them, and fast.”

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