When Sorry Is Not Enough

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Book: When Sorry Is Not Enough by Millie Gray Read Free Book Online
Authors: Millie Gray
Sally , she thought to herself, this is no laughing matter. It is obviously so distressing to Margo not to mention onerous for poor Johnny who spends all of his life trying to please dominating Margo.
    ‘Margo, my dear,’ she managed at last to splutter, ‘I accept all that you say but how can I help? Surely it’s a fertility expert you should consult.’
    ‘And haven’t I done just that? And his solution is for you to get involved.’
    The laughter had now died in Sally’s throat. ‘Oh no, Margo,’ she stuttered, ‘I know some mothers have children for their bairns nowadays but I’m just about to say hello to the other side of fifty and I’m no longer … Surely you don’t think I’m fertile and could carry a child for you? No. No. No way …’
    ‘Mum, don’t be ridiculous. I know you’re over the hill. It’s not your body I need, it’s your wallet.’
    ‘My wallet! But how could that help?’
    ‘You know, Mum, you should try and broaden your horizons.’
    ‘What do you mean?’
    ‘Just that you think the whole world, no universe, is within this pub.’
    ‘No I don’t. Have I not moved out to Portobello?’
    ‘Portobello! That’s the posh refugee camp for everyone who wants to emigrate from Leith.’
    ‘Oh,’ was all Sally commented as she began to wipe over the bar.
    ‘Anyway, what I’m saying is I don’t suppose you’ve heard of these exclusive clinics in Switzerland. These are places where people like Johnny and I are treated.’
    Sally’s mouth gaped.
    ‘You see at the correct time of my monthly cycle Johnny and I would go to the clinic and stay for a whole week. It is situated up in the hills far, far away from pollution, noise and there is nothing but peace and a feeling of well-being and contentment to affect and surround you.’
    Sally noted that Margo was now sitting quietly with her hands outstretched on her lap and it was as if she was already in residence at the clinic. Not really wishing to break into Margo’s spell but realising she had to get on, Sally whispered, ‘And how do they help you to get … well you know?’
    Inhaling deeply Margo slowly began to respond. ‘My Johnny and I would be housed in luxurious accommodation, fed on food fit for the gods before being counselled, given hypnotherapy and taught deep relaxation techniques. All this positive intervention would then enable us to approach our sexual union from different emotional and more positive planes.’
    Sally was dumfounded. Had Margo, she wondered, lost the plot? Nonetheless she managed to stammer, ‘Margo, believe me, I accept you are desperate and you must try any way you can to become pregnant but really again I ask what has it to do with me?’
    ‘Oh, Mum, don’t you realise that if ever I am to become a mother I will have to go down the Switzerland route. It’s the only chance left.’
    ‘So if you’ve made up your mind to do that – then just get on with it.’
    ‘I would but it costs a lot of money that I don’t have but you do. So as I know you are desperate to become a granny, it’s only right that you fund our treatment.’
    A long silence followed that was only broken by the ticking of the clock.
    Eventually Sally, who had been recalling the thrill that she’d felt when her three children were born and laid in her arms, asked, ‘How much does the Swiss treatment cost?’
    ‘There is a problem. It may be that we would have to have more than one session there for it to be successful.’ Margo halted before quietly pleading, ‘Mum, please understand I would just have to know that the additional funds for at least two extra treatments would be available.’
    ‘Margo, my head doesn’t button up the back so out with it – how much are you looking for?’
    ‘Well to finance three stays at the exclusive clinic it would only be … let’s say … four or five …’
    ‘Hundred!’ shrieked Sally.
    ‘Eh … Eh … No.’ Margo lowered her voice to a whisper before blurting,

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