Under Ground
But I know exactly what he means. He's given words to
thoughts I’ve had for a long time, but that I couldn’t quite
    I turn my head to find him
observing me, watching my reactions. His irises are light brown
today, with a sweet honey color as the sun reflects upon them. I
don’t think I’ve ever felt this relaxed before—a strange feeling to
have considering I’m breaking a lot of rules and could pay quite a
high price for being here. I hardly know him, but when he starts
talking about school, conversation flows easily, and disappointment
seizes me when he looks at his watch.
    “I guess you’d better go," he
sighs. He stands up and I follow suit.
    I want to stay with him longer,
but I don't speak my thoughts.
    "I don’t want you to get in
trouble," he adds while facing me. "Would you be willing to meet
again some other time?” His voice drops with uncertainty, his
confidence suddenly gone.
    Breaking the rules turns my
stomach to ice. I’m scared of the consequences. But as I look at
Chi, there is no doubt in my mind that I want to see him again. I
nod my consent.
    “When can you come back? I guess
you can’t make it here too often without it being
    “Well, I could be here again
    It shouldn’t be too hard to lie to
Mother again. I shudder at the thought of misleading her like this,
but I don't let my fears show.
    “Great!" he says. "Same time, same
    He smiles and takes my hands
between his. The gesture surprises me and I flinch, but his palms
are warm against mine and I don't want him to let go. He looks like
he wants to say something, but then he thinks better of it. He
turns around and walks away without looking back. He stands tall
and lean, striding confidently, with the breeze in his hair. My
heart squeezes slightly at the sight of him leaving. I don’t know
if it’s a good thing or a bad thing.

Chapter 9
    It doesn’t take
long for me to reach the Arch the
next day. When I arrive, Chi isn’t there yet. My first thought is
that something has happened to him. Why is this the first thing
occurring to me? What kind of a world is this that we should
fear so much what may happen if we step outside the
    I turn around cautiously when I
hear the sounds of footsteps, and I know it’s him the second he
says my name.
    “Hi, Thia!”
    I quiver as butterflies take
flight in my stomach. He’s wearing his school uniform, the same as
yesterday, but his hair is disheveled as if he's been raking though
it all day. It gives him an unkempt look, so handsome that it hurts
just to glance at him. I sigh, a sudden urge pulling me to
    He comes closer and just stands
there, unaware of the effect he has on me as he simply takes in the
view without saying anything. After a while, he speaks, his voice
clear and calm. “You know, I never asked for your last name. I just
knew your first name 'cause I heard William saying it in
    “It’s Clay. My last name is Clay.
And you?”
    He exhales deeply. “It’s a little
bit complicated.”
    “Okay, Mr.
It’s-a-little-bit-complicated, what did you want to talk about
    “I just thought I’d spend some
time with you, that’s all.” Chi rests his left shoulder against the
monument as his beautiful smile spreads across his face.
    “How was school today?” he asks
casually, his hands slipping in his pockets.
    “I don’t know. I couldn’t really
    His smile turns mischievous in an
instant. “Too busy thinking about me?”
    “You're so cheeky! I never said I
liked you!”
    “You don’t need to say it,” he
replies, arching his eyebrow. "Your presence here speaks for
    I'm blushing again. I hate how my
cheeks always work against me. “Why are you doing this?”
    “Doing what?”
    “Making me feel uncomfortable," I
reply. "Using my coming here against me."
    “I’m sorry." He’s serious now,
clearly remorseful for riling me up. "I didn’t realize this made
you uncomfortable. It

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