Hard Bite and Other Short Stories

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Authors: Anonymous-9
blast writing it. This story writes itself; it’s brilliant. A-9 knows these smug wives well, and their miserable husbands better. Who deserves these men more than this twelve-time ‘other woman,’ who carries poison in her bag the way some chicks would a sewing kit?”
    --Cindy Crosmus, Editor , Yellow Mama
    Eating the Deficit
    My attempt at political satire written in early 2010. If it ends up really happening I guess it won’t be satire anymore.

    The Master Bedroom
    This story was originally a nightmare and took nearly two years and 150 drafts to covert to story form. It could possibly use another 150, but you have to stop somewhere. It was inspired by Ghosts, a play written by Henrik Ibsen in 1881. What I remember about it most vividly is my university English Lit prof quotng, “The sins of the fathers are visited upon the sons.”
    Matthew Funk wrote the best review for which I’ll be forever grateful. He said, “Everything about the prose locks us in his mind: The structure swings from the stark to the juvenile and poetic. The diction is culled right from Ozzy’s vocabulary—a language of fables and hate crimes. The plot progression is a haunting series of hallucinatory passages that gives us no escape from his delirium.” Thanks Matt.
    M-N-S (n) murder-necrophilia-suicide
    Anthony Neil Smith took it and requested a few judicious changes that helped tremendously. He published it in Issue # 5 of Plots with Guns and it got me nominated for the second year in a row for Spinetingler’s Best Short Story on the Web. A judging panel from the International Thriller Writers selected the story as a first-round nominee for a Thriller Award. The fact that a major writing organization would give the time of day to a speck-of-dust online writer like me speaks volumes about their integrity and openness to new talent. With all gratitude, my thanks to the ITW.
    Five out of five stars
    M-N-S (n) nurder-necrophilia-suicide—the central conceit is a division of Hell that runs off of the conventions of a police story. Trust me when I say a summary doesn’t do it justice. From the name of the division to the paperwork necessary to fill out how to get a tap on a person’s mind, this is an insanely inventive and one hell of a well told story. The winner of the issue far and away. There is a novel’s worth of ideas here and I wish there was one so I could go and buy it now. Anonymous-9 is one hell of a drug.
    --BRIAN LINDENMUTH, BSC Review.com
    Anonymous-9 is one of my favorite crimewriters.”
    --Nick Mamatas, Novelist, Bram Stoker and International Horror Guild awards nominee.

    A writer faces the page alone, but it takes a bunch of people to get the stories out to the world. My deepest appreciation goes to, in chronological order: Glenn Gray, Todd Robinson of Thuglit, DZ Allen of Muzzleflash, Cindy Crosmus of Yellow Mama, Gin E. L. Fenton, artist, David Cranmer and Denise Mix of Beat to a Pulp, Albert Tucher, Anthony Neil Smith, Aldo Calcagno of Powder Burn Flash, Christopher Grant of Twist of Noir, The Gas Man and Brownie, David Barber, David Backer, Lindsey Goddard, Nan Vaughn, Linda Guss, Phyllis Ungerleider, Mary Ann La Russa, Renata Sdao, Joy Trifiletti, Jodi MacArthur, Frank Bill, Keith Rawson, James Reasoner, Brian Lindenmuth and Sandra Rutton of Spinetingler Magazine, Patti Abbott, Michael J. Solender, Chris Holm, Nick Mamatas, Andy Henion, Charles Gramlich, Alan Griffiths, Paul Brazill, Col Bury, Nigel Bird and Brian Drake.
    Special thanks to Rebecca Forster who “killed” the cover art.
    If I’ve forgotten anyone please e-mail me so I can mention you elsewhere: [email protected]

    To readers like me, who don’t mind hurting when they laugh.
    Thank you, thank you for reading.
    Anonymous-9 online at: www.anonymous-9.com
    Email: [email protected]

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