The MacGregor

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Book: The MacGregor by Jenny Brigalow Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jenny Brigalow
down in the bottom paddock performing degrading sexual acts with members of the local coven.’
    Ginny scowled and turned her attention to Megan. ‘Who the hell are you?’ she said rudely.
    With an arrogant lift of one eyebrow, Megan moved close to Sean. He nearly dropped his bundle of clothes as she ran a cool finger down his chest. ‘I’m the wicked witch of the west, Missy Campbell,’ she said.
    Ginny let out a long, low hiss of protest that literally made the hairs on the back of Sean’s neck bristle. For a moment he felt a tremor of unease.
    But then Ginny turned abruptly away, slammed her helmet on and stalked back to her moped. Seconds later she buzzed back down the drive.
    Sean reflected dismally that he’d probably just lost the best head girl he’d ever employed. But then he looked down into Megan’s huge, wide-set, whisky-coloured eyes. ‘Come on, Trouble,’ he said.
    Trouble smiled and followed him up the garden path.

Chapter 25
    Megan was barely aware of what she was doing. The sight and sound and smell of a Campbell was poison to her soul. Every instinct begged her to morph and chase the bitch down and rip her apart. It was only Sean’s presence that tempered her actions. If she revealed herself to him, then it would all be over before it had started. And, now she was here so close to him, she couldn’t bear to tear herself away.
    Slowly she dampened down the chemical cocktail in her bloodstream and refocused. She looked around at the kitchen. It was small and cosy, and smelled of herbs. The worktops were clean and the flagstone floor swept. She looked at Sean, who stood on the other side of the old oak table. Happily, he was still unclothed and she allowed herself a moment to indulge in this happy situation. My, oh my, he was delicious.
    Sean dropped his clothes on the floor, except for a damp shirt which he held politely over his lap. His blue eyes honed in on hers. ‘Megan, do you know Ginny?’
    Outrage bubbled up in her chest once more. The old hurts waxed in her heart. Did she know Ginny? Oh, yes, she knew her all right. She had Campbell stamped all over her like a brand. She was a murderous, conniving, vicious piece of vermin. And Megan hated her just on principle. She smiled. ‘No, I don’t know her. You told me who she was.’
    She watched Sean’s brow wrinkle and sensed he was confused. Which was good. He just wasn’t sure. She decided a diversion was in order. ‘What was she doing here?’
    Sean shook his head. ‘No idea. Probably work related.’
    Megan smiled to herself. Liar. A Campbell didn’t pay a mortal a visit in the night without an agenda. She briefly wondered what the agenda might be. She had a fair idea — the lousy skank. Anyway, she’d make it her business to find out. Sean had no idea the trouble he was in.
    A pang of guilt gripped her. Damn. If he’d been in strife before her arrival, he’d be in deeper doo-doo now. Word would soon get back to the Campbell clan that she’d been sighted. Since she’d shot Celeste Campbell, she’d kept a low profile. Now she’d blown that. There was little comfort in the knowledge that the Campbells loathed her kind with the same intensity that hers loathed them.
    But then she let it go. It was done. And, in the meantime, she was here with Sean. Life was uncertain at best. Better not to waste time in worry.
    She stepped sideways and sauntered around the table. Sean began to retreat. Then he shot through the gap between the table and the fireplace and raced out the door. Megan could have caught him, but she was enjoying the game. So she gave him a few moments before following his tantalising scent up the narrow staircase to one of two shut doors. The sound of him moving around on the other side of the door on her left was a dead giveaway. After a moment’s indecision she knocked on the door.
    He opened it and she was

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