Demon Hunters 2: Retribution (Stand Alone Series) (Demon Hunters.)

Free Demon Hunters 2: Retribution (Stand Alone Series) (Demon Hunters.) by Avril Sabine Page A

Book: Demon Hunters 2: Retribution (Stand Alone Series) (Demon Hunters.) by Avril Sabine Read Free Book Online
Authors: Avril Sabine
commuters would be starting to head home. She’d hoped to have found a house worth renting by now. The car reached the top of the incline and she touched her foot to the brake as she started to drive down the other side. Nothing happened. She pressed harder, but the car continued to pick up speed.
    Her heart raced and she pressed her foot down until the pedal would go no further. Still no results. She reached for her handbrake and gently pulled it on. Nothing. There was a slight curve in the road and she quickly put her hand back on the steering wheel to guide the car around it. Her knuckles were white from the tightness of her grip.
    “Scarlett?” Des sat up straight beside her and looked between her and the road.
    Another corner loomed ahead of her, this one sharper than the last. Her mind ran through possibilities and she discarded each one. She glanced up the streets they passed, but there were no inclines to point the car at. Not that she was certain she’d even be able to get the car to take a ninety-degree corner at this speed.
    “Scarlett! Ask me to do something. Please, Scarlett. All you have to do is say my name. I can’t help you unless you say my name.”
    Scarlett opened her mouth, but no sound came out. Her hands gripped the steering wheel as she tried to guide the car around the next corner. “Des.” It was little more than a whisper, but it was enough.
    Des’ hands gripped hers and it seemed like he flowed into the car. One minute he was beside her and the next he had moved forward, disappearing. The steering wheel was wrenched from her hand and the car slowed, taking itself around the corner. Within seconds, they had turned off the street into a smaller side street and the car parked itself near the curb.
    Scarlett jumped out of the car and grabbed a large, white painted rock one of the residents had sitting in front of their mailbox. Staring at the rock she’d jammed behind her rear tyre, her legs went to jelly and she collapsed onto the grassy footpath. Des was beside her in seconds, wrapping his arms around her. She let him hold her as she tried to calm herself.
    She started to pray and then stopped as she felt Des tense. Dropping her head onto his shoulder, she focused on her breathing instead. Still feeling a little shaky, she pulled back. “I’ve been driving for hours today. Why now?”
    “The brakes were tampered with. Probably while we were looking at the last house.”
    Des shook his head. “I would have sensed if a demon had touched the car. I wouldn’t have let you in it. I guess it was Nathan himself.”
    Anger poured into her at the thought of Nathan touching her car. She wondered where he was now. Turning the energy into motion, she rose to her feet, pulling out her mobile phone.
    “Blake. I’m about ten minutes from your place. I need you to pick me up. I’ve got car problems.”
    “What are you doing out this way?”
    “Trying to find a house to rent.”
    “Where are you exactly? And you better be ready to answer some questions when I get there. Last I heard you’d bound a demon to you. Just because I’m not living at Gran’s house doesn’t mean you have to forget I exist.”
    Scarlett looked around. The street sign was missing. “I don’t know where I am. I’m lost.” She cringed at the panic in her voice.
    “Is the demon with you?”
    “Give him the phone. You can’t be lost when you have a demon with you. Not regarding location anyway.”
    Scarlett handed the phone over and Des moved away before he spoke. She considered following him, but her legs started to feel wobbly again. She looked at Des and wondered if he was far enough away so she could start praying. She didn’t even get through one line before he turned to face her, a look that clearly told her she was too close. She smiled slightly and shrugged. What could he expect? She wasn’t about to completely stop praying. He’d either have to give her more space or

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