The Vlakan King (Book 3)

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Book: The Vlakan King (Book 3) by Jim Greenfield Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jim Greenfield
remained broad, showing little of the droop from age. He towered over his friend. They hugged.
    "Welcome, my friend," said Kalen. "It has been too long."
    "Yes, it has. Thank you for your welcome. I am looking forward to the festival. The change of scenery will do me good. Let me present my sister's grandchildren, my heir Jahnn Cane and his twin sister, Merie Cane."
    The two teenagers stepped forward together and bowed to King Kalen. They were tall and Jahnn only slightly taller than his sister. While Jahnn was flaxen haired and fair, Merie was dark with flowing black hair. They bore a slight resemblance to King Henry until they smiled and then the family connection was strong.
    "Pleased to meet you," said Kalen. "My own granddaughter Krysta is somewhere organizing the artists. I'm sure we shall see her soon enough. Let us go to the hall and have some refreshments. We can discuss the schedule for the festival. I would be pleased if you could award some of the honors."
    "I'd be delighted," said King Hal. "I feel ready for some festivities. I hadn't felt well in the past month but now I am ready for anything."
    Princess Krysta watched the man heat the glass until it softened and glowed from the heat. She had spent much of the day watching Master Raeind Arayr work the glass. The heat from his fire kept most of the curious from staying too long but Krysta did not mind it and silently observed the movement of the artist. Ornate glassware bordered his booth and a small boy handled any transactions. The boy was busy because the glass was unusual and popular in Masina. Raeind Arayr's reputation was renowned and he hadn't been in Dael for three years. The city was abuzz with the news of his return.
    Krysta first spotted him setting up his booth two days ago and spent most of her time since watching him work. He was a slender man near to middle age with a wiry strength in his hands and forearms. Sweat glistened on him and he worked steady. She never spoke to him and he did not seem to notice her and thus they passed the days. She was barely five feet tall with auburn curls cascading to her waist. She never wore the long dresses preferred by the women of the court. She often wore a long tunic over trousers and leather calf boots. Krysta sat on the bench near his booth. People passing her greeted her and she often responded with a smile, but her gaze did not leave the glassmaker for long.
    A woman with a soldier escort came up behind Krysta and curtseyed.
    "Pardon me, Princess Krysta," said the woman.
    "Yes, Certina?" She did not turn her head away from Raeind Arayr.
    "King Kalen requests your attendance at lunch. King Henry has arrived."
    "Oh good. Thank you Certina." Krysta turned away from the booth and walked back toward the great hall. After a moment, Raeind Arayr looked up and watched the princess until she was out of sight.
    Krysta entered the room with the two kings seated next to each other and a young man and woman sat across from them. Guards stood near each king with the colors of their house identifying them. She noticed Laretes, King Kalen's Captain of the Guard watching his Eslendian counterpart closely. Her grandfather waved her over.
    "Krysta! Come and welcome our guests. King Henry of Eslenda, Prince Jahnn and Princess Merie, allow me to present Princess Krysta. Krysta please sit between the Prince and Princess."
    The teenagers ate quietly while their grandfathers talked.
    "Have you been to Masina before?" asked Krysta.
    "No," said Jahnn. "We've been kept close to home. It was a wonder that we were able to come on this trip."
    "Grandfather commanded our father to let us go. We're the closest to grandfather in lineage so if anything happened to us it might mean civil war."
    "But Prince Richard's your father, correct? Wouldn't he be next in line?"
    "Normally he would," said Jahnn. "Father's mother is sister to King Hal. But Grandfather Cane opposed Hal for king after old King Henry died. King Hal made Richard's

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