Seasons of Love

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Book: Seasons of Love by Elizabeth Goddard Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Goddard
of losing a friend, but to your business, as well.” Riley cleared her throat, trying to recover from the shakiness she heard there. “Have you hired John’s replacement?” It was painful to speak of her brother. She was grateful for the coffee and took a big swig.
    Zane rose from the chair and jammed a hand into his jeans pocket. He paced across the linoleum floor while he rubbed his chin. Riley had noticed that he often took time to consider things before he spoke. She liked that about him.
    “I haven’t been able to go forward, for reasons I can’t explain right now.” He stared at her as he sat down, leaning over the table to look intently into her eyes. “When was the last time you actually spoke to John? I mean, did you have a chance to talk to him before he died?”
    Riley sighed. “Thankfully, yes. We only spoke every few weeks or so. If he didn’t call me, I’d call him. Sometimes I’d talk to Sarah or Chad.”
    Zane frowned, and his expression took on that deep, contemplative look she’d become accustomed to, though it was usually interspersed with smiles. She reminded herself that the discussion of John was painful for him, as well.
    “What about the night he died? Did you talk to him then?” Zane’s gaze was penetrating, his expression serious.
    “No. He’d called that night. But I didn’t talk to him.”
    “Then how do you know he called? He left you a message?” Zane leaned forward. “What did he say?”
    “I don’t know if he left a message because I mistakenly deleted them. I know he called because I saw his number on my caller ID. I tried to return his call. Got no answer, so I left a message.”
    Zane’s shoulders sagged. “What time was it when you checked messages—do you remember?”
    Something in his tone sent prickles over her. He sounded like a cheesy detective questioning a suspect on a prime-time police drama. She rubbed her arms to take away the unexpected chill.
    Unnerved by the conversation, Riley stood up. “Can you tell me why you want to know?”
    He stiffened. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you.”
    “I know. It’s just me. I’m tired, and talking about John, well, it’s just too painful right now, I suppose. Look, could we do this another time? I mean, I want to talk more. I’d love to hear stories of my brother, since you knew him far longer than me.” She smiled at him, hoping to ease the tension.
    His expression relaxed, and he smiled gently. “Riley, truly… I didn’t mean to overstep. But you’re right. It’s getting late, and I have an early day tomorrow. I need to get on top of all that paperwork.” He flashed her another smile.
    After Zane left, Riley locked the doors. She climbed the stairs and peeked in on Chad. Still sleeping. She wanted nothing more than to plop down on her bed, but she noticed a pile of envelopes on the pillow. Grandpa had placed her mail there instead of putting it in the office. Probably afraid her junk mail would get lost. She laughed and rummaged through the stash, some of which was forwarded from her California address, then tossed the mail into a cardboard box to be dealt with later. She still needed to unpack.
    As she readied herself for bed, she couldn’t stop thinking about Zane Baldwyn. She didn’t doubt that his intentions to assist her with growing the farm were sincere. But his questions had sent a suspicious chill up her spine. She chided herself for revisiting the ridiculous notion. She’d probably misunderstood his intent and had overreacted. It wasn’t as if she hadn’t been emotional of late. Still, the niggling thought that he was after something wouldn’t leave until she drifted off to sleep.
    Riley woke with a start and sat up, her heart racing. Sweat beaded on her brow. The images came rushing back. She’d dreamed she was married to Eric. He was the absolute worst husband, thoughtless, inconsiderate. He traveled constantly and never had time for her, just like her father. Riley lay her

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